[comp.sys.amiga] Software sharing

EVERHART%ARISIA.decnet@crdgw1.ge.com (08/29/89)

I'm afraid I must reply to this:
>This happens now and then, like in the case of SZ and RZ (the ZMODEM programs).
>The C source is completely freely distributable. It was paid for by Telenet, I
>think. The problem with this is 1) there would be no games. 2) in general this
>only happens when a company needs a unique application, which isn't of much use
>to most people. I.E., when someone writes a database application for a
>business. Costs the business a bundle, but it's only of use to them. For
>programs which are of general interest, why should one business pay a fortune
>for it and everyone else get it free? They shouldn't. So all the people who
>need it share the cost.
>James A. Treworgy

   In fact, writing and sharing software occurs in some quarters in major
ways and WORKS. Consider:
  1. There have been dozens, possibly hundreds of games produced PD on
various engines. I've seen them by the score on various software swap
tapes - and they represent an insiginficant fraction of the software
shared, legally, by computer professionals.
  2. Selling software is not cheap. In fact, to a big company, it is VERY
costly. RCA used to sell an IC design system, but sold it for $1000K
or so a copy. The reasons were things like:
  * A big company must be very careful of liability lawsuits. Any bugs
	in their code are likely targets for these, and because of their
	size, large companies tend to get hit with larger damage claims
	than a guy in a garage (who in reality will probably never get
	sued at all because a lawyer will realize there are probably not
	assets enough to pay HIS bill, let alone damages.)
  * A staff of employees is needed full time for support, because of the
	above and to avoid damage to the corporate reputation in other
	lines. Benefits to a large company are NOT cheap.
  * Advertising is costly. This hits everyone but must be remembered. Several
	thou for an inch square in a magazine is normal. More for bigger
	ads that someone might actually see.
  * Marketing people have to also be hired to sell software. It's incremental
	cost, but it's COST.
  3. Internal development of software is not enough. I've seen and heard of
hundreds of software tools developed internally at various companies which
had considerable value and utility. Many would have been useful in outside
organizations and indeed in many cases commercial software later appeared
doing the same things...sometimes not as well. Of these, only a VERY few
survived more than a year or two, and most became nonfunctional with newer
releases of OSs and the like. The ones that survived were generally the ones
that were released to the world. The others died mainly due to their authors'
moving on to other things and sources never becoming available for 
maintenance, even where others in the organization were interested in DOING

	The value of outside help in maintaining software cannot be overstated.
Where a piece of software cannot be sold by a company, it makes great sense
to release it freely. This has the effect (and yes, I've SEEN this effect
in practice for years) of encouraging other companies to do the same and
greatly multiplying available software. To the author, it means his code
is likely to be useful to him in 5 years without his having to do ALL
the maintenance; it also means some fame. To the company, it avoids some
mainenance expenses, provides goodwill among computing professionals,
and maintains the competitive advantage that the expertise to use the
tool exists internally.
	I edit the DECUS VAX SIG tapes, which lately have been running
to around 150 megabytes of freely redistributable software, much of it
contributed in this way, every 6 months. 300MB per year is NOT "now
and then". I should add that the total amount of software so exchanged
is far higher, even within DECUS, since the DECUS Library gets a lot
of material not on the sig tapes, and there are several other SIGs
besides the VAX SIG that do this. The RSX SIG Tapes go back to 1977
and are the oldest in the current form. All this material is indexed
and almost all of it is in source.
	I therefore claim the assertions "there would be no games" and
that "this only happens when a company needs a unique application" are
false and even harmful. (By the way, the Spring 1989 VAX tapes contain
a dBase III approximate clone, in source and executable; several other
DBMSs have appeard in the past. A spreadsheet, project planner, and
many more tools are also on that collection.)
	One can share costs by sharing what one does, and obtaining
the fruits of others' doing the same. Lots of us do. We wind up FAR
richer, without hassles, than we could ever have imagined being
	Some of the commercial market survives because people are not
aware what's available in the freely redistributable area. Since ads
are very expensive, symposium tapes (for example) don't get advertised
there. However, those reading this are on the metanetwork and have
the essential tools available for becoming informed. You can join
DECUS (free; phone 508 480 3418 and ask for forms) and find about
what's in that library (several GB of PD code; lots of it for Amiga
as well as other systems) if you wish, too. You SHOULD be aware of
at least what's on the Fish disks, if not more, for the Amiga public
domain. In other words, it takes a little work to find what the real
alternatives are. It's worth it. Also don't knock the value of knowing
how to use a bit of code. That is a major advantage to have and it
remains yours even when you give the code out. Still, I've found you
can get some significant help from others you don't even know by
releasing your stuff. 
	One final note: it takes only one really fine piece of work
made freely available, sometimes, to make life tough on commercial
people. The DECUS C compiler has made life miserable for years for
PDP11 C compiler vendors, and Gnu C is doing so for other C compiler
vendors now. It isn't necessary to be able to supply 40 or 50
word processors in the freely redistributable market to mess up
the commercial market; one, if well done, can be enough. The intellectual
power available by the occasional help of unorganized general benefactors
is enormous and can make the freely available software the best in its
market. It has done so on many occasions in the past.

Glenn Everhart