[comp.sys.amiga] UPS Clarification

Ernie@egami.wimsey.bc.ca (Ernie Gorrie) (08/30/89)

	My apologies for my recent poor grammer.  ("Workers at UPS Canada in
British Columbia has been on strike for weeks now, is refusing to bargain,
is hiring scabs, is being called to hearings for unfair labour practices,
	My errors were due to not reading what I had just edited.  It is of
course the workers who have been on strike, but UPS which is hiring scabs,
refusing to bargain, etc., etc.

Ernie Gorrie
9431 McBurney Drive,
Richmond, B.C.
or; ernie@egami.wimsey.bc.ca  {ubc-cs,uunet}!van-bc!egami!ernie