[comp.sys.amiga] Looks like it's that time of year; another weird problem.

phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (08/31/89)

     Well, it must be that time of year, because here's another weird
Amiga problem that I'd like EMAIL about, if possible...
     First, my system configuration:
     Amiga 500, 1 meg RAM (via A501 expansion; obviously, this includes
a real time clock), two floppy drives (second drive a *&^@*#!!! AIR drive),
modem (Mitsuba 1200), monochrome composite monitor (the 1084 is also in
the shop. Still. Since July.), multiple printers (Tandy DWP230 in IBM
Wheelwriter mode (hardware locked in :-) ), Diablo C150, Panasonic
     Secondly, the new and weird behaviour:
     If the second (external) drive is hooked up when I power the system
up, its drive light stays lit. When I insert a Workbench disk into the
internal drive, the system ignores it entirely. No reaction whatsoever.
     If the second (external) drive is NOT hooked up when I power the system
up, the system boots normally and initially works correctly. However, at some
semi-random point in the near future, the system will lock up. This tends
most to happen when someone tries to click on an icon to open a disk,
utility, or application.
     Removing additional hardware from the system does not alter the system's
behaviour beyond this point. Also, the problem is apparently not with the
power supply; I disassembled everything and moved the A500 over to another
desk (upon which sits another A500) and hooked it up to the other's ps,
monitor, and etc. It exhibited the same symptoms.
     My suspicion (i.e., my guess) is that I am losing an I/O chip. Could
someone please confirm or deny this?
                                                 - R'ykandar.

| R'ykandar Korra'ti, Editor, LOW ORBIT | phoenix@ms.uky.edu | CIS 72406,370 |
| Elfinkind, Unite! | phoenix@ukma.bitnet | PLink: Skywise | QLink: Bearclaw |

ggibeau@ucqais.uc.edu (George Gibeau) (08/31/89)

In article <12517@s.ms.uky.edu>, phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) writes:
>      If the second (external) drive is hooked up when I power the system
> up, its drive light stays lit. When I insert a Workbench disk into the
> internal drive, the system ignores it entirely. No reaction whatsoever.
>      If the second (external) drive is NOT hooked up when I power the system
> up, the system boots normally and initially works correctly. However, at some
> semi-random point in the near future, the system will lock up. This tends
> most to happen when someone tries to click on an icon to open a disk,
> utility, or application.
>                                                  - R'ykandar.

Have you checked the CIA chips?  I recently had a problem whereby the
drives would recognize every disk as invalid, or as having read/write errors,
the system would lock up after a few mouse clicks, window movements, or
keyboard presses.  The CIA chip(s) decode the keyboard, mouse, drive, and
a few other things.  A quick check would be to switch the 2 chips (ie. put   
the one in the left socket in the right socket, and vice versa), if the
problem either changes, or manifests itself in a different way, then
probably one of the chips is bad (they are very prone to being killed
by surges, spikes, etc.. such as plugging in components into the machine
while powered on).  Replacements chips are about $15-25 each (depending
on your supplier).  Hope this helps...


UUCP:  ucqais.uc.edu!ggibeau  BBS: (513) 721-7977  GT NODE: 006/005
US Snail-Dept of Biology ML 06, University of Cincinnati, Ohio 45221
Knock, Knock.  Who's There?  Cytidine Ribofuranosylcytosone.  Cytidine
Ribofuranosylcytosone Who?  Cytidine Ribofuranosylcytosone PHOSPHATE!

phoenix@ms.uky.edu (R'ykandar Korra'ti) (09/01/89)

In article <1798@ucqais.uc.edu> ggibeau@ucqais.uc.edu (George Gibeau) writes:
>Have you checked the CIA chips?
>A quick check would be to switch the 2 chips...
George -
     No, I haven't tried swapping the chips (forgot there were two of them!)
and while I'm quite willing to mess around inside the machine, I try not to
do it until I've got a specific idea of what to do. Thanks - I'll try this.

     Also, the weird problem has gotten weirder. I popped in a few different
workbenches (older ones) just to see if anything would change. They locked up
just as quickly. Then I popped out the disk - and heard "click... click...
click..." My older WBs don't have NoClick in the startup-sequence. (I've never
been happy to hear that sound before, but I was this time). So I popped the
disk back in to see what would happen (something was obviously still running)
and suddenly I got a "Please insert" requester and things were running again!
Until the next time I tried to click on an icon, at which point it locked
again. I repeated the pop-out, pop-in process and it started right back up.
This works on my newer WBs too.
     Weird, no?
                                                   - R'ykandar.

| R'ykandar Korra'ti, Editor, LOW ORBIT | phoenix@ms.uky.edu | CIS 72406,370 |
| Elfinkind, Unite! | phoenix@ukma.bitnet | PLink: Skywise | QLink: Bearclaw |

hunt@tramp.Colorado.EDU (Lee Cameron Hunt) (09/01/89)

I had the exact same problem with my first 2000 REV 6.  I took it back
and the new one worked fine.  Also the first one would scramble the screen
when things got too warm (looked like a TV with lots of RF interference).
