[comp.sys.amiga] Definition of Hell

bob@jacobs.CS.ORST.EDU (robert s. richardson) (09/01/89)

Hell is being stuck on a desert island with plenty of food, plenty of
power, an Amiga 3000 with WORM drive, all the latest graphics and sound
hardware, and only version 1.0 of Kickstart.

And if God is in a real punishing mood, a flyer announcing the "real
soon now" release of the Amiga 4000 will wash up on shore.

| Bob Richardson     (or, for you UNIX buffs: bob@jacobs.cs.orst.edu) |
| 218 NW 21st #2           Corvallis, OR  97330          503-758-5018 |
|     "They can't afford to pay their taxes... There must be too      |
|          many economists in the government." -- The Doctor          |