[comp.sys.amiga] Getting Standard Screen Infos

barbey%elma.epfl.ch@cunyvm.cuny.edu (09/08/89)

[I've got a question that has certainly been asked many times.]

My application open it's own (3 bitplanes) screen. I would like it's dimensions
to fit the user's standard screen (that is, be compatible with morerows (text
overscan), flickerfixer (i.e. open in interlace, if workbench is interlaced) and

(if possible) the A2024).

Where should I get these dimensions and flags ?

- looking at GfxBase (NormalDisplayRows and NormalDisplayColumns) (as far as I
know (that is, not much)) won't tell me about a "standard" viewmode, (HIRES ?
INTERLACE ? (or even ECS-1.4 new flags ?)),

- getting informations using GetScreenData(...,WORKBENCHSCREEN,...). (But I'm
afraid an  Amiga using a A2024 could answer me "hi, I'm a 1024x800 display":
trying to open a 1024x800 3 bitplanes screen is not allowed, is it ? (in
facts, I've never seen a A2024)).

Can someone help me ?

Oh, btw, someone recently posted this:

>A brief description of the features [...] of Amiga WordPerfect 4.1:[...]
>- scroll arrows - all scroll arrows have been moved to the
>bottom of their respective scroll bar to allow easier
>incremental access.  This is consistent with future standards
>set by Commodore.

What are these standards ? Is there a document one can get somewhere ?

-Stephane Barbey