[comp.sys.amiga] Neptune Pics Availability

jones@uv4.eglin.af.mil (Calvin Jones, III) (09/17/89)

> <mfm1@lehigh.bitnet> asks:

>  I have no access to ftp and hence I feel I'm missing
> out on all the fun.  So, are the neptune pics available on a listserv,
> somewhere, i.e. bitnet.  Or could someone possibly make them available
> via bitnet.
> mark

I can't help with getting the pics on bitnet, but they are all available on 
My BBS, the Hobbit Hole, 904-243-6219, 1200-9600HST.
Access is free, but you will need to be validated ('automatic' as long as you 
don't abuse the system and apply properly) since the files will require more
than the 15 minutes allowed for first-time callers.