[comp.sys.amiga] ComputerWorld Article

GORRIEDE@UREGINA1.BITNET (Dennis Robert Gorrie) (09/20/89)

I've always considered ComputerWorld to to be a PC-biased, advertising
magazine, without much factual content.  For executive types it is the
'in thing' to read.

However the latest issue has an article called 'Commodore, Amiga to get Unix'.
The artile accuratley describes the Amiga's multitasking, graphics, and sound
strengths.  It also mentions its productivty in desktop video and as a
terminal.  Xwindows and REXX were also mentioned.    At the end of the article
was mentioned how the Amiga may get a market foothold if Commodore sells it as
a UNIX machine.  They mentioned Commodore is considering Unix Sys V from AT&T.
They also mentioned Commodore's proprietary version of Unix for the Amiga.

This is the first factual, informative article about the Amiga I have EVER
read in ANY of the sever ms-dos oriented magazines I regularly read (BYTE,
PC-world, PC-magazine, ect).  To top it off, Commodore does not even advertise
in this magazine.

More articles of this type, in the main-stream pc magazines, would definitely
give the Amiga a better foothold.  Articles about the Amiga are far and few
between in magazines like this, and I suggest you read it if you get the
chance.  You will probably never see an article like it again, in a pc-mag.

|     "The man who dropped a 3270 terminal on his foot...                    |
|                                                                            |
|        ... and lived to tell about it..."                                  |
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| DENNIS GORRIE (GORRIEDE AT UREGINA1.BITNET)                                |