[comp.sys.amiga] 68000 cross assembler

aleneis@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Tony Leneis) (09/22/89)


	Does anyone know of a good PD/Shareware 68000 cross assembler?

			- Tony Leneis

a218@mindlink.UUCP (Charlie Gibbs) (09/22/89)

In article <ATHEYBEY.89Sep22102907@allspice.lcs.mit.edu>
atheybey@lcs.mit.edu (Andrew Heybey) writes:
>In article <2041@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> aleneis@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Tony
>Leneis) writes:

[Wow, they're talking about my assembler!]

     Until recently I haven't had an Amiga C compiler capable of
compiling A68k (PDC couldn't for some reason, but Sozobon will).
I've done all development for versions up to 2.42 on MS-DOS machines
using an old version of Lattice C.  Those #ifdef MSDOS lines let me
work around the more brain-dead aspects of that operating system
without contaminating the Amiga.

     Once I get a working version, I ship it off to Jeff Lydiatt
(who has done lots of work on both PDC and Sozobon-C to make them
useful development tools for the needy).  He compiles the source
code on his Amiga using Aztec C, and doesn't have to change a
single line of code.  I guess that makes it sort of transportable,
although I can't see what an MS-DOS victim :-) could do with an
AmigaDOS object file.  You can always use the -s switch to produce
Motorola S-records, though.

     If anyone has ported A68k to any other systems, please e-mail
me with the gory details.  I'm trying to keep it as portable as
possible.  I've tried to avoid any dependence on byte ordering (if
it runs on an Intel chip I can't be doing too badly :-) but if
there are any problems I'd like to hear about them so I can fix
them in future versions.  (Coming in version 2.6 (Real Soon Now):
forward branch optimization and an ARexx interface for error

"I'm cursed with hair from HELL!"  -- Night Court

atheybey@lcs.mit.edu (Andrew Heybey) (09/22/89)

In article <2041@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> aleneis@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Tony Leneis) writes:

	   Does anyone know of a good PD/Shareware 68000 cross assembler?

			   - Tony Leneis

Well, I've compiled & run A68K on a VAX, and it does seem to run and
produce .o files.  It also has #ifdef MSDOS tests in it, which would
seem to imply that it would run under MSDOS, which would imply some
relatively general portability.  (After all, if it will run under
MSDOS, it can't do anything fancy, can it?)  It required a few minor
changes to get it to compile--email me for details.

I only just recently compiled it, and I haven't actually downloaded &
linked any of the files that it produced, so take this posting for
what it's worth.  Since it just calls open(), write(), &c, the only
problem I could think of that it might have would be byte ordering....

Writing this has prompted me to go off & look at the source just now,
and I believe that I will have to fix byte ordering before it will
work.  Luckily, it all the writes seems to go through one routine, so
I only have to make one fix.
Andrew Heybey, atheybey@ptt.lcs.mit.edu, uunet!ptt.lcs.mit.edu!atheybey