[comp.sys.amiga] Barbarian spoiler needed

traber@linus.UUCP (Carl William Traber) (09/23/89)

My son is playing Barbarian on our Amiga.  His problem is finding a 
reliable way to get past the swinging pendulum (2 successes in 
about 95 tries, once he gets that far).  A lesser problem is finding 
a way to get the bow on the bridge (platform) without losing a life 
in the process.

Unfortunately, I've forgotten the tricks.  Does anyone else remember 
this game well enough to have an answer?

jtreworgy@eagle.wesleyan.edu (10/02/89)

In article <72055@linus.UUCP>, traber@linus.UUCP (Carl William Traber) writes:
> My son is playing Barbarian on our Amiga.  His problem is finding a 
> reliable way to get past the swinging pendulum (2 successes in 
> about 95 tries, once he gets that far).  A lesser problem is finding 
> a way to get the bow on the bridge (platform) without losing a life 
> in the process.
> Unfortunately, I've forgotten the tricks.  Does anyone else remember 
> this game well enough to have an answer?

Getting the bow is nothing more that fast moving... I think you jump off to the
right twice, pick it up, turn around, and jump back. Barbarian has a "buffer"
of what you press so you can push the buttons before he's ready to do it for
the fastest response. As for the pendulum, that took me FOREVER to figure out
the trick. You go halfway, and then bend down (using the pick up icon, I think)
when the pendulum swings by. It will hit you but won't kill you. Whether it's a
bug or not, you are always invulnerable while bending down... anyway, you just
run off the rest of the way after the pendulum goes by.
James A. Treworgy    -- No quote here for insurance reasons --
jtreworgy@eagle.wesleyan.edu         jtreworgy%eagle@WESLEYAN.BITNET