[comp.sys.amiga] Panasonic camera for Digiview

liberato@drivax.UUCP (Jimmy Liberato) (10/10/89)

I have been looking for a camera for my Digiview.  The best mailorder price 
I've seen is $185 (w/o lens) for the standard vidicon Panasonic model 1410 

I have found a source (a CCTV wholesaler) where I can get it for $155.  The
catch is they will want me to buy 4 to get that price.  So, if anyone is 
interested in joining me, email me and I will send you details.

My plan is to take Oran Sand's advice (INFO article) and use the money saved
to get a higher quality color corrected photographic lens.  The camera itself
apparently has more resolution than the Amiga can handle but the weak link 
is the cheapo stock lens which is only good for videotaping some hubba-head
robbing the local 7-11.

This will be happening in about a week or so (it will still be cheaper even 
with less than four).  I've had Digiview for a year and have yet to use it!

Jimmy Liberato   ...!amdahl!drivax!liberato                              
408 646-4411
408 394-3862     1700 Vallejo St, Seaside, CA 93955