[net.general] A Flame for the Lazy and Unenlightened

perry (02/21/83)

	A few  months  ago  the  rage  of  the net.lang.c news group was "My
way to indent IF statements is better than yours". Nearly one hundred people
stayed up  late  at  night  formulating  their  own contribution to this all
important question. Nearly  that  many  employers  paid  alot  of  bucks  in 
salarys while the leaders of tomorrow merrily typed their expositions  in on
their respective machines. 

	And untold thousands had to wade through all that garbage for weeks.

	I sent a letter to  net.lang.c asking all the proud authors only two
simple questions. The first  was an inquiry as to whom they thought gave the
slightest crap  how  they  indented their IF statements. The second asked if
they  really  thought   that   their  brilliantly  uninspired  prose  really
contributed a  thing  towards  making the day of all the people who to  sort
through note after repetitious note.

	Though I was braced  for  receiving droves of  responses  citing  my
arrogance  and  obnoxiousnous  I  received precious  few notes each of which
expressed applause for saying what alot of people were thinking and feeling.

	I think the time has come again  for  someone to flame (on a network
wide basis) on all the people who think that the news  is their private help
line. Also, for the people who "discover" the wheel again and again and feel
that it is their divine calling enlighten  us  poor  huddled masses, a large
hairy hand should break your fingers the next  time you want write about the
"uninitialized arrow" bug in rouge 3.6.

	To the person  who  asks  "How  do  I  redirect  the output of the C
compiler..." (nothing personal but)  try reaching for a Unix  manual  before
you  reach  the  keyboard.  Jeez!  At least you could ask a more enlightened
friend  or  (shock the  world) learn  something about Unix on your own. Even
more  disappointing are all the people  who  replied  via  the news group to
such a request (Oh gee, I guess it is more difficult to reply directly to an
author  rather  than  to a news group - really  -  all  those nasty computer
names to copy down!)

	A few words for a few more of my favorite subjects that have *each*
warranted tens (if not hundreds) of letters:

	o	No I am not  hungry   now  and  I  don 't  care which if the 
		fast food sandwiches bites the big wazoo. (net.general of
		all places)

	o	I don't care  how  old you are -- and Gordon and Ellen  have
		since sold the rights  to  the story of their conflict  to a
		major studio. (net.singles)

	o	Termcap isn't really that abstract is  it? After all, we are
		all supposed to be fairly competent computer related  people
		here. You can find a termcap entry for any terminal you have
		ever seen, touched, typed or gazed upon by strolling over to
		the terminal's manual and reading the itty bitty section  on 
		"programming" (Argh! That nasty word!)

	o	I don't care how you delete  your  files, printable names or
		not (net.unix-wizards - my  how  the  standards of that news
		group have plummeted -- More like net.unix-apprentices after

	o	I'll  bet  you didn't know that if eat all your food at once
		you'll still get hungry around 1500 turns later. Or that you
		can  become ever  hastened in the older rogues. Or that bats
		are confused. Or that orcs sometimes run away from you  (and
		towards gold). And let the truth be told, rust monsters burp
		on leather armor. Go  ahead -  next  week  send  in  another
		letter starting "Hey -- I was playing the other day and...."

	Frankly, there are dozens of other subjects which are either inanely
trivial, or were once interesting but have since been beat  into  the ground
by hordes of netsters who think they  can  offer  the  definitive word. I am
tempted to blurt "You can't so shut up!" But moderation prevails.

	Instead people - please think before you write...
			 is what you are saying worth reading??...
			 is  the news  group really the better than a direct
			 will a jillion other people think of the same thing
			     and write to the net as well?

	Braced for your  counter flame. And your friend's. And his friend's.
	And  her  friends.  And his uncle's. And her favorite baby sitter's. 

			perry s. kivolowitz (so there!)

dixon (02/25/83)

I would klike to second the remarks made by Scott Preece (uicsl!preece)
reargdinggarding the problem of finding answers to Unix (TM) related
questions in the manuals.
d a dixon             ihuxs!dixon               DBTL - IH

dixon (02/25/83)

Sorry for the typing errors in that last article. My backspace key
was not set.

It was meant to state that I seconded the remarks by Scott Preece
regarding the problems of finding the answers to UNIX (TM)
related questions in the manuals.
d a dixon                 ihuxs!dixon        BTL  IH