[comp.sys.amiga] Distribution question

CEBELENS%CTSTATEU.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (10/14/89)

 < Food for Hungry Computers>

  Hello once again,
                If I had a program I wrote, and I wished to distribute it
        to the list (like AMIGA-S or AMIGA-B or something) how would I go
        about doing it?  What is the perferred encoding scheme?  Where
        do I send it? (Boy, I wish I was on UUCP, then I could hook up
        directly to the network instead of going through this Vax... any
        thoughts on this?  I
                                'm in the Hartford area...)

+----------------------------------------+              +--------------------+
|                                        |      ///\    |       This Space   |\
| Chris Cebelenski - Laser Light, Ltd.   |     ///  \   |     Intentionally  ||
| Bitnet: CEBELENS@CTSTATEU.BITNET       |    ///____\  |      Left Blank    ||
| AT&T  : (203) 229-0080/5580            |   ///      \ +--------------------+|
| "Amiga Networking is the Future."      |\\///        \ \____________________\
|                                        |\XX/          \
+----------------------------------------+ "Windows and Icons and Mice, Oh My!"

 Disclaimer: Nobody but myself knows I do these things, in fact, if anyone
             found out I was writing this, they would probably shut me dox{xo