[comp.sys.amiga] Needs Ideas for a Graphics Project

gilchrid@dvinci.usask.ca (Darren Gilchrist) (10/06/89)

I am enrolled in a computer graphics course at this wonderous educational
institution.  We are required to do a graphics project.  Here is my problem.
I having trouble coming up with one.  So I am asking the AMIGA world for some
ideas. Help!!!!!

We are not restricted to any particular machine (So I can use my Amy) or any
areas of computer graphics.  But I have only 2 months to do this project.
Thus the project cannot be too large or time consuming.

Two ideas that I have thought of are a graphics editor or something involving
photorealistic rendering (ie. raytracing or 3-D modelling).  The graphics
editor would be created for one of the PD raytracers or maybe for X-Specs
glasses and software.  Could anyone give info on X-Specs?  Is it easy to
use?  Is there a developer kit?  How about project involving GUI (Graphics
User Interface)?  Any area of computer graphics where a innovative project
could done and maybe promote the almighty AMIGA?  How conversion of bitmap
graphics to structure graphics?  Or creating a new IFF format for structured
graphics and PostScript?  Are these ideas feasible for my project?  Any
suggestions and comments on ideas would be appreciated.

I would like expression my thanks for any help.  I post here because the
AMIGA community tends to be innovative and creative bunch of people.

Darren (The GILCHRID) Gilchrist
University of Saskatchewan          gilchrid@dvinci.USask.CA
Saskatoon, Sask.                    GILCHRID@SASK.USask.CA

"Build your perception of reality, then, in time, shatter that illusion."

shf@well.UUCP (Stuart H. Ferguson) (10/13/89)

+-- gilchrid@dvinci.usask.ca (Darren Gilchrist) writes:
  [ needs a graphics project for a class ... ]
| areas of computer graphics.  But I have only 2 months to do this project.
| Thus the project cannot be too large or time consuming.
| Two ideas that I have thought of are a graphics editor or something involving
| photorealistic rendering (ie. raytracing or 3-D modelling).

Photorealistic rendering in a two month school project?  3D-modeling is
also a fairly large task, I'm afraid to report.  

| Any area of computer graphics where a innovative project
| could done and maybe promote the almighty AMIGA?  How conversion of bitmap
| graphics to structure graphics?

Nahh, been done...

| Or creating a new IFF format for structured
| graphics and PostScript?  

Bingo!  We have a winner!  Spec out an IFF structured graphics format
(perhaps based loosly on PostScript), and write a simple drawing program
that reads, writes and edits them.  Also write a dumb viewer to let
you view the files in any resolution and a program to convert them
to PostScript.  If you're really ambitious, package up the routines
in a shared library.  Release it all into the public domain and let
nature take its course.  :-)

| I would like expression my thanks for any help.  I post here because the
| AMIGA community tends to be innovative and creative bunch of people.

If you could create a structured graphic IFF format, and code that
developers could use to read and display it, you would be doing an
invaluable service.  If it was a good standard, you'd be a hero.

I have some ideas on the subject that you're welcome to take and
steal, use as a starting place or ignore.  Send mail if interested.
		Stuart Ferguson		(shf@well.UUCP)
		Action by HAVOC		(ferguson@metaphor.com)

cunniff@hpfcso.HP.COM (Ross Cunniff) (10/16/89)

> | Or creating a new IFF format for structured
> | graphics and PostScript?  

> Bingo!  We have a winner!  Spec out an IFF structured graphics format
> (perhaps based loosly on PostScript), and write a simple drawing program
> that reads, writes and edits them.  Also write a dumb viewer to let
> you view the files in any resolution and a program to convert them
> to PostScript.  If you're really ambitious, package up the routines
> in a shared library.  Release it all into the public domain and let
> nature take its course.  :-)

Umm, it's already been done.  The IFF format DR2D is a structured graphics
format that supports polygons, splines, groups, object-oriented fill patterns,
line weights, line patterns,text, etc.  There will (soon?) be a released
product that reads and writes it.  I will post the latest version of the
format to comp.sys.amiga.tech.

> | I would like expression my thanks for any help.  I post here because the
> | AMIGA community tends to be innovative and creative bunch of people.

> If you could create a structured graphic IFF format, and code that
> developers could use to read and display it, you would be doing an
> invaluable service.  If it was a good standard, you'd be a hero.

*Blush*  Of course, I'm biased :-)

> Stuart Ferguson

				Ross Cunniff
				Hewlett-Packard Colorado Languages Lab