[comp.sys.amiga] Fish Disks 188+

okay@tafs.mitre.org (Okay S J) (10/25/89)

There have been several requests for FTP sites for Fish Disks 188 and beyond.
The two addresses I have for this particular set of beasts are :
Etana has selected fishdisks above 188, but uihub is supposed to have them all.
I've frequented etana a number of time sand know that they are there, although
not all of them. I have not been able to to get through to uihub because
my connection keeps timing out.

Also, Tuna Ertemalp posts a monthly list of existing FTP'able and MAIL'able
Amiga sites to comp.sys.amiga---you might check the list for this month(If
your feed still has it that is)
Hope this helps you guys...