[comp.sys.amiga] Supra SCSI pinouts

admiral%m-5@Sun.COM (Michael Limprecht SUN Microsystems Mt. View Ca.) (11/04/89)

Does anybody out there have the  pinout for Supra A500
scsi adapter. The thing is a DB37 connector and all my
scsi devices are 50 pin.

The manual explains just enough to get you in trouble.
Then shows you this diagram of the DB25 connector but
not the DB37.

Why in the world would somone use a 37 pin layout when
the rest of us are using 25 or 50 pin? Sounds like they
don't want you using anything but there own devices.

Just an observation. Thanks for the info in advance.


monty@sagpd1.UUCP (Monty Saine) (11/07/89)

In article <127379@sun.Eng.Sun.COM> admiral%m-5@Sun.COM (Michael Limprecht SUN Microsystems Mt. View Ca.) writes:
>Why in the world would somone use a 37 pin layout when
    Iomega uses a DB-37 on their 8 inch systems, maybe Supra felt that it was
    becoming a "standard".

    Monty Saine

>the rest of us are using 25 or 50 pin? Sounds like they
>don't want you using anything but there own devices.
>Just an observation. Thanks for the info in advance.

billsey@agora.UUCP (Bill Seymour) (11/10/89)

From article <127379@sun.Eng.Sun.COM, by admiral%m-5@Sun.COM (Michael Limprecht SUN Microsystems Mt. View Ca.):
: Does anybody out there have the  pinout for Supra A500
: scsi adapter. The thing is a DB37 connector and all my
: scsi devices are 50 pin.

	I don't have pinouts for you, but I believe a friend got them by
simply calling Supra and asking...

: The manual explains just enough to get you in trouble.
: Then shows you this diagram of the DB25 connector but
: not the DB37.
: Why in the world would somone use a 37 pin layout when
: the rest of us are using 25 or 50 pin? Sounds like they
: don't want you using anything but there own devices.

	They originally designed it with a DB-25 in there, then found 
that they couldn't provide adequate power and grounding through the
limited wires on that cable. The DB-37 gave enough extra wires to
handle the power (needed for the RAM expansion) without significantly
increasing the cost to the end user. A 50 pin connector costs more
than a 37, and a 50 pin cable costs more (and is harder to bend) than
a 37...
: Just an observation. Thanks for the info in advance.
: Mick
     -Bill Seymour             ...tektronix!reed!percival!agora!billsey
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