[comp.sys.amiga] A500 giving trouble on cold startup

haj@auc.UUCP (Harvey Johnson) (11/10/89)

Well, a few months ago, I finally got the Fat Agnus chip in my A500 to 
act correctly.  Now, I have ANOTHER problem with my poor machine.

Whenever I leave my machine off for a period of close to a day, I have 
trouble turning my A500 on. When I turn on the power switch, the power 
indicator light does not come on (nor the disk-in-use led or the caps
lock led).  The disk drive does not click or anything.   But if I hit
'CTRL Left-Amiga Right-Amiga' a few times (about 5 or 6), and then hold
them down, the caps lock light will come on (though dim) and then the 
power indicator light fades on.  The machine will invariable GURU with
the following id numbers:
           #00000003.00C (something or another)

After hitting the left mouse button, the machine attempts to reset.  First,
the power indicator light comes on, then the disk-drive-in-use light flickers
as it tries to come on.  At this point, the machine will either GURU again
or bring up the familiar WorkBench hand.

After I get my Amy on, it runs perfectly with NO problems.  Any occasional 
GURUs are no problem, either.  Warm boots, or turning the machine off then
on about an hour later is NO PROBLEM, either.  Only when my A500 has been
off for a while.


     A500 expanded to 1Mb w/ A501   (before Christmas, 1987)
     External drive (Commodore)
     1084 monitor (no, Not 1084S)
     Serial port peripheral (either modem or printer)

To avoid the problem, I basically keep my Amiga on most of the time, except
when I see bad weather brewing.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  Please email me at

(BTW, my clock doesn't keep up with the time when it is off for a few days.
Since my computer is rarely off for more than a few days, this isn't too much 
of a problem, but I thought that I'd mention it just in case.  I figure that 
it's a bad battery or something).




With my handwriting, you couldn't read my .signature anyway!

navas@cory.Berkeley.EDU (David C. Navas) (11/11/89)

In article <32316@auc.UUCP> haj@auc.UUCP (Harvey Johnson) writes:
>Whenever I leave my machine off for a period of close to a day, I have 
>the following id numbers:
>           #00000004.00C01570

Okay, this is your input handler that is failing [if I remember correctly...]

Mine has a tendency to that too...
>           #00000003.00C (something or another)

I'd be surprised if it wasn't the same address, I wouldn't think you've got
much else running in there.. :)
>After I get my Amy on, it runs perfectly with NO problems.  Any occasional 
>GURUs are no problem, either.  Warm boots, or turning the machine off then
>on about an hour later is NO PROBLEM, either.  Only when my A500 has been
>off for a while.

I've had the same problem.  I'd even venture to guess that you have a 500
without reading the rest of your posting [except that I've already read
the rest of your posting.. :)]

I've traced the problem to those God aweful power supplies that Commodore
forces on us 500 users.  It's really gross stuff... :(

It's probably giving you spikes -- go someplace and by a more gutsy power
supply.  Even if it doesn't solve the entire problem, it'll make you feel
easier at night.. :)
>  A500 expanded to 1Mb w/ A501   (before Christmas, 1987)
>Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  Please email me at
>    "haj@auc.UUCP"   

Yeah, I'm posting cause this sounds like a BIG problem.  Commodore,
can you comment on this? Is there any way to convince you that as long as
we've got to suffer with a piece of #$%^ power supply dangling off the
ends of our 500's that you could sell us one with some guts??
>(BTW, my clock doesn't keep up with the time when it is off for a few days.
>Since my computer is rarely off for more than a few days, this isn't too much 
>of a problem, but I thought that I'd mention it just in case.  I figure that 
>it's a bad battery or something).

Yep, that's exactly what I would say.  It sounds like you are having all KINDS
of electrical power problems with this thing...  Sorry.. :(
>With my handwriting, you couldn't read my .signature anyway!

Cute :)

David Navas
navas@cory.berkeley.edu    I'm too tired to post anything, must have been my
		       			   computer :)