[comp.sys.amiga] ARE CMI DEAD?

BAXTER_A@wehi.dn.mu.oz (11/10/89)

I wrote to CMI 2 months ago about the Processor accelerator, which is
incompatible with the 1Mb Agnes if a 68881 is installed. I too have heard
nothing. It is possible they have gone out of business. They couldn't last long 
with the sort of rubbish they sold me.
Regards Alan

billsey@agora.UUCP (Bill Seymour) (11/11/89)

From article <2860@wehi.dn.mu.oz:, by BAXTER_A@wehi.dn.mu.oz:
: I wrote to CMI 2 months ago about the Processor accelerator, which is
: incompatible with the 1Mb Agnes if a 68881 is installed. I too have heard
: nothing. It is possible they have gone out of business. They couldn't last long 
: with the sort of rubbish they sold me.

	Gee, I've been running a Processor Accelerator with the Super Agnus
and a 68881 for months now. I've never had any problems with that combo.
Could you be more specific as to what troubles you were having? I'd like
to be keep my eyes open for possible `features'...

: Regards Alan
     -Bill Seymour             ...tektronix!reed!percival!agora!billsey
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