[comp.sys.amiga] OKI_92 Printer Driver: SOS!

black@rom.ecse.rpi.edu (Jerry Glomph Black) (11/13/89)

Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga
Subject: Printer Drivers
Summary: Anybody have the source code??
Reply-To: black@rom.ecse.rpi.edu (Jerry Glomph Black)
Organization: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy NY

I have found an annoying bug in the Okidata_92 printer driver.  The "SET
LEFT MARGIN" command is mapped incorrectly, such that if a program sets the
LM to column zero, the driver puts it about 2/3 of the way across the page!
I know that LM=0 is illegal, but the driver should still handle this
properly!  This is preventing me from using Pen Pal, and other programs,
very well.   Does anybody have a working driver for Oki 92, or the