[comp.sys.amiga] Apple ripping apart Amigas ?!

glweid@cbnewse.ATT.COM (gary.l.weideman) (11/15/89)

I came across an interesting arcticle in ComputerWorld dated Nov. 16th.
On the last page, a short article in the INSIDE LINES column
read along the lines that "Apple is busy ripping apart Amigas these 
days and employs a number of original Amiga developers. Apple is 
interested in the Amiga's "Blitter" coprocessor" (indicating its
usefullness in desk top multimedia presentations). The article states 
that Apple is allegedly developing a series of coprocessors that will be 
partially used to provide multitasking. There are unconfirmed rumors 
that Apple is pressuring Motorola for custom versions or some 
enhancements to the 68040 and 88000 chips that may delay their delivery 

Anyone else heard about this ? 

sterling@cbmvax.UUCP (Rick Sterling - QA) (11/15/89)

In article <2308@cbnewse.ATT.COM> glweid@cbnewse.ATT.COM (gary.l.weideman) writes:
> I came across an interesting arcticle in ComputerWorld dated Nov. 16th.
> On the last page, a short article in the INSIDE LINES column
> read along the lines that "Apple is busy ripping apart Amigas these 
> days and employs a number of original Amiga developers. Apple is 
> interested in the Amiga's "Blitter" coprocessor" (indicating its
> usefullness in desk top multimedia presentations). The article states 
> that Apple is allegedly developing a series of coprocessors that will be 
> partially used to provide multitasking. There are unconfirmed rumors 
> that Apple is pressuring Motorola for custom versions or some 
> enhancements to the 68040 and 88000 chips that may delay their delivery 
> dates.
> Anyone else heard about this ? 

They could just get United States Patent # 4,777,621 for a comprehensive
description of the system. ;-)