[comp.sys.amiga] Answers to common questions

okay@tafs.mitre.org (Okay, S J) (11/20/89)

>From: jlehmann%wpi.wpi.edu%mwunix@mwvm.mitre.org (jlehmann at wpi.wpi.edu@MWUNIX)
>To:  okay@tafs (OKAY at TAFS)
>Subject: TELNET and Amiga
>X-Away: Originally to "amiga-relay@udel.edu"
>I was wondering if anyone knows of any TELNET sites that have useful
>information or files related to the Amiga.
>Please E-Mail any such to me. (jlehmann@wpi.bitnet)

Doesn't this fall under Edwin Hoogerbeet's monthly posting of common 
I'm not trying to single you out, but it seems as though there has been an 
increase in the number of these types of messages lately. If your news 
system doesn't go back that far (i.e. 11/1/89), take a look in the Amiga 
Transactor for October 1989..they repro'ed it there. Newsreaders may be 
able to blip by it , but to us who get this by mail, it makes things more 
confusing and decreases signal-to-noise...
'nuff said
Stephen Okay
		     "How much would you pay for a signature like this?
                      ---Each one individually hand crafted in the finest
                      glowing phosphor"
Disclaimer:Sometimes I don't even want this stuff, so why should my company?