[comp.sys.amiga] More Bridgeboard AT slots by adding hardware

swan@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Joel Swan) (11/22/89)

I remeber the first time I read a review on the A2000.  The author
suggested that one may be able to solder in two more edge connectors
on the A2000 motherboard to give you 2 more AT slots.
He reasoned that since the traces follow through, all one might need to do 
is add the connectors.

Dave Haynie, anyone, can|could|should this be done?  I want to use
all my Amiga slots, but I need more than one AT card slot.

Joel Swan

daveh@cbmvax.UUCP (Dave Haynie) (11/23/89)

in article <2172@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US>, swan@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Joel Swan) says:
> Keywords: Brodgeboard Hardware hack A2000 motherboard AT slots
> Summary: Can it be done?
> Xref: cbmvax comp.sys.amiga:46739 comp.sys.amiga.tech:9033

> ...  one may be able to solder in two more edge connectors
> on the A2000 motherboard to give you 2 more AT slots.
> Dave Haynie, anyone, can|could|should this be done?  I want to use
> all my Amiga slots, but I need more than one AT card slot.

Yeah, you could do that.  The bus is connected, there's a place for
two more AT connectors.  The reason they're left out is to allow for
fat XT cards that extend into the space normally occupied by the
AT connector.  They tell me this is common practice in the world of
Clone machines.  I take their word for it....

> Joel Swan
Dave Haynie Commodore-Amiga (Systems Engineering) "The Crew That Never Rests"
   {uunet|pyramid|rutgers}!cbmvax!daveh      PLINK: hazy     BIX: hazy
                    Too much of everything is just enough