[net.general] Survey of UN*X Systems

jrb (04/07/83)

This  is  an  enhancement  and improvement of my previous surveys.  I am
interested in finding out what flavours of UN*X are being run as opposed
to what licenses are held.  I will post a summary to the net when I  get
enough answers.  Please fill in the form below and send to:
	John R Blaker
	Ford Aerospace & Communications Corporation
	Western Development Laboratories Division
	3939 Fabian Way
	Palo Alto, CA  94303
Please note that it is WDL1 and not WDLL or WD11.

Please mark the boxes with an 'X'

License(s) held:

	[ ] V6     [ ] V6/PWB     [ ] V7     [ ] 32V     [ ] System III

	[ ] System V     [ ] 2.? BSD     [ ] 3.? BSD     [ ] 4.? BSD

	[ ] Other:_____________________________________________________

System(s) actually run:

	[ ] V6     [ ] V6/PWB     [ ] V7     [ ] 32V     [ ] System III

	[ ] System V     [ ] 2.? BSD     [ ] 3.? BSD     [ ] 4.? BSD

	[ ] Other:_____________________________________________________

CPUs used:

Comments and remarks: