[comp.sys.amiga] How to a ClipBlit

lizard@blake.acs.washington.edu (Nick Tanner) (12/26/89)

The Problem:

  I want to copy a portion of one RastPort and put into another one.
  I want only the non-zero bits to transfer. It should work exactly
  like a brush in Deluxe Paint.

  Wherever the source rastport is non-zero, i want a complete 
  duplication in the destination rastport. It doesn't seem like it
  should be that hard, but the minterm eludes me. 

The Solution:

  Hopefully one of you amazing amiga programmers will know this.
  (I'm writing in C, using Manx 3.6a)....

Replies to:
Nick Tanner (lizard @ blake.acs.washingto.edu)
Grateful thanks will be forthcoming.