[comp.sys.amiga] Amiga vs. low cost Mac

portuesi@tweezers.esd.sgi.com (Michael Portuesi) (12/20/89)

>>>>> On 20 Dec 89 02:02:52 GMT, cmcmanis@stpeter.Sun.COM (Chuck McManis) said:
chuck> it seems that Apple is really taking it
chuck> on the chin because of two conditions :
chuck> 	1) Their low end (< $2000) is taking it on the chin because they
chuck> 	   don't have anything except the SE holding them up and it's losing
chuck> 	   to the PC clones.
chuck> 	2) Their bread and butter is their low end.

chuck> This does give people like Commodore an opportunity to steal some market
chuck> share from Apple by offering more features for less money and a better 
chuck> system overall.

From the latest issue of "Computer Currents," a Bay Area computer

		     Cheap Mac Still A Year Away

It's no secret that Apple wants to introduce a low-cost Mac, but
journalists and insiders are still clamoring to get dates and
specifications for the new machine.  CMP Publications'
_Macintosh_News_ thinks it's got a handle on a few new facts.

The weekly trade magazine reports that there won't be a Macintosh
below $1500 until early 1991 and quotes sources as saying that Apple
engineers are finding it difficult to put the system software on ROM,
believed to be the major cause for delay.  The machine is also
expected to have an 8 MHz 68000 microprocessor, one megabyte of
memory, and a 1.4 MB SuperDrive.  The magazine also adds that the
low-cost system will sport one expansion slot, two Apple Desktop Bus
ports, a sound port, SCSI port, external drive sport, and built-in
AppleTalk capability.

At the same time, two other Macintoshes are expected to be unveiled,
including a color version of the SE.

Apple Computer's Vice President Don Casey recently told analysts in
Boston that Apple would be adding a lower cost computer to its line
but he would not disclose dates.

"Without pinning down dates it's clearly in Apple's interest to
develop products at both ends of the spectrum," he was quoted as


So, the question is not if Apple is going to put out a low-cost Mac,
but when.  Commodore has a real chance to get a jump on Apple in the
low end market, but only if it acts REAL quickly.

Could someone post an address for us to write cards and letters to
Harry and Irving, so that we can help Commodore along?


\/  Michael Portuesi	Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
    portuesi@SGI.COM	Entry Systems Division -- Engineering

hill@evax.arl.utexas.edu (Anthony Adam Hill) (12/29/89)

       Here here,
   How about some people from CA posting some addresses for Copperman
  and Gould so we can send them letters. 
   For a letter writing horror story see the Nov issue of Amigo Times
   Its by the president of Micro-Ed. And is about his efforts to get
   CA to acknowledge is letters.

  adam hill ...