[comp.sys.amiga] SIMMs for sale - $60 for 1 megabyte

vic@wookie.wpd.sgi.com (Victor Mitnick) (12/30/89)

I have four 256Kx8, 120 nsec SIMMs for sale. These work in the "8-Up" SIMM
memory expansion board made by Microbotics for the 2000. There may also be
memory expansion products for the 1000 and 500 that use them, but I don't know. 
(They came out of a Macintosh that was upgraded to use 1meg simms.)
I just got an 8-Up board, and somehow I managed to have collected more SIMMs
than I needed.

These sell for around $20 or $25 bucks apiece, and a bunch of Macintosh people
are asking $90 for a set of four. I want to get them off my desk soon, so
they're yours for $60 or the best offer. That's 60 bucks for a megabyte of
RAM -- I think it's a pretty good deal. Chip RAM, which is cheaper, would cost
you at least about $80 for a meg from a cheap store or mail-order house.

I may also consider trades; make me an offer and I'll see how it sounds.

    Vic Mitnick
    415-335-1372 (office)
    415-328-7187 (home)