hugh (04/18/83)
I am concerned by points raised in a recent article by David Sehr (ariel.315) which discusses the topic of environ- mental control. I will "broadly summarize" the major state- ments. Point 1: New Jersey is a bad place to live. Answer: QED. Point 2: Cancer is a bad disease, especially if you have it. Answer: QED. Point 3: "I'm talking about using the government struc- tures we already have, to halt ... [pollution]" and "... and empowered, aggressive Environmental Protection Agency." Answer: To use the power of government to control (as opposed to provide Legal, Police, and Army services) is dangerous. Governmental regulations have a VERY high "momentum"; by the time they take effect, the problem is moot, and after the problem is solved, the regulations are virtually impossible to stop. Point 4: (The continental divide): ["... corporate-serving cronies", "chemical-industry", "... balance sheets continue to show profits.", "officials of chemical corporations", "managers and directors", "... amorphous front of the Corporation"] VS. ["Congress and the public", "... EPA to begin protect- ing the public", "... the public health."] Answer: The idea that there is an inherent conflict between "business" and "society" gives rise to the ultimate definition of "consumer" (e.g. one who produces nothing.) Proponents of this idea also seem to place "organized busi- ness" in the same class as "organized crime." These con- cepts are foreign to me (read "foreign" == "not American.") Point 5: "We have a President who puts industrial growth before the health of the people ..." Answer: (*** FLAME ON! ***) Does Mr. Sehr suggest that wood stove heated, candle lighted, huts filled with earth shoe wearing, Bruce ("I took a wrong turn, and I just kept going") Springsteen loving, socialist broke-intellectuals are the future of America ? If so, any "obsolete" managers and directors are welcome to move here to the valley ... (*** FLAME OFF! ***) -- Hugh Akston P.S. Yes, we do run UN*X here in the valley.