[comp.sys.amiga] vt100 with zmodem

rang@ics.uci.edu (Roger Penaranda Jr. Ang) (01/08/90)

byte nibble

(Quick question that has been probably asked before)
Is there a PD VT100 terminal emulator that supports ZModem protocol?
I'm using Handshake V2.12a, is there and update that fills the bill?
If so, where can I find it?

			Thanx in advance,
                                        Roger P. Ang (rang@ICS.UCI.EDU)
Irvine? Where's Irvine?                 a poor Grad student at the
In the heart of the Orange Curtain.     Dept. of Information & Computer Sci.
Oh no! The poor fool.                   Univ. of California, Irvine.