[comp.sys.amiga] CEDPro Release 2 questions

johnl@tw-rnd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (John Lindwall) (08/25/89)

Has anyone out there received notification of the upcoming new release
of ASDG's CygnusEd Pro?  I'm a registered user but have received nothing.
When will it be available?  How much?  Thanks!

John Lindwall                            johnl@tw-rnd.SanDiego.NCR.COM
           "Above opinions are my own, not my employer's"
   Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

a3@mindlink.UUCP (Dave Allen) (08/27/89)

        Who are these people you know that have shut down thier business
because of Piracy? What were there products? I think there are a few of us that
would like to hear about them. I am sure they wouldn't mid you mentioning thier
names or thier products.
RSI-where WEDGES come from  |||   Please note our new Address and Phone
and VCR Streamer Soon Too...|X|   Number .....
1695 West 7th Ave           |||          Old Name: Dave Allen
Vancouver  B.C. Canada      |||///   New Phone Number: (604) 737-7930
V6J 1S4                     |||//
           UseNet - uunet!van-bc!rsoft!mindlink!Dave_Allen

perry@madnix.UUCP (Perry Kivolowitz) (08/27/89)

In article <497@tw-rnd.SanDiego.NCR.COM> johnl@tw-rnd.SanDiego.NCR.COM (John Lindwall) writes:
>Has anyone out there received notification of the upcoming new release
>of ASDG's CygnusEd Pro?  I'm a registered user but have received nothing.
>When will it be available?  How much?  Thanks!

Notices have not been mailed  yet. We are behind schedule having made the choice
to make Release 2 the best possible product. The product is currently undergoing
exhaustive test. And, an entirely new manual is being written.

To give you an impression of the work going into release 2:

	The first release's manual was 140K in AmigaTeX. I've thrown away 
	about 80K of this so far so we're down to 60K. The new manual  is
	currently 280K and still growing. That's 220K of new quality man-
	ual so far. This takes time, we're sorry about that...but the re-
	sults will be quite worth it.

	(I've been working full time on the  manual  for  two months now,
	my left hand is litterally numb from carple tunnle syndrome. Bruce
	[the program's author] has been working intensively for the last 
	year on the the new release. Why am I telling you this? Because 
	the recent piracy discussion is really getting to me. Why the fuck
	are we knocking ourselves out? Piracy doesn't hurt? Then tell me
	why more and more of my friends that I have known since the start 
	of the Amiga are giving up and closing down their businesses?)

Anway, upgrades were going to cost $16 including manual addendum, disk, and
domestic postage. But instead we'll provide an entirely new manual, disk,
and domestic postage for $25. (sure...call us greedy. Maybe we should have
kept it at $16 and lost money on it. After all, why should this be any
different from all our other products?)

Your original CEDPro disk will be REQUIRED. If it doesn't arrive with your
check we will cheerfully cash your check, keep the money and send you nothing. 
(god I've got to do something about my cynicism). 

Notices to registered users will be going out shortly. Please don't send in
for upgrades until you see a message here or get one in your physical mail box.
As I've said...we're working as hard as we can and we'll release it when it's
as good as we can make it.

                        Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc.
ARPA: madnix!perry@cs.wisc.edu   {uunet|ncoast}!marque!
UUCP: {harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!perry
CIS:  76004,1765 (what was that about ``giggling teenagers''?) 

armhold@topaz.rutgers.edu (George Armhold) (08/27/89)

In article <799@madnix.UUCP> perry@madnix.UUCP (Perry Kivolowitz) writes:

[lots of stuff...]

> and domestic postage for $25. (sure...call us greedy. Maybe we should have
> kept it at $16 and lost money on it. After all, why should this be any
> different from all our other products?)

> Your original CEDPro disk will be REQUIRED. If it doesn't arrive with your
> check we will cheerfully cash your check, keep the money and send you nothing. 

My God, have you ever heard anything so cynical as this message?  With
a few *small* exceptions, I've found comp.sys.amiga to be populated with
extremely friendly and helpful people.  Why are *you* always so huffed
up about something?  With all due respect Perry,  I believe you are in
dire need of a vacation...


laba-2kc@web-2h.berkeley.edu (Kim Sang Yup/Na Choon Piaw) (08/28/89)

In article <Aug.> armhold@topaz.rutgers.edu (George Armhold) writes:
>> Your original CEDPro disk will be REQUIRED. If it doesn't arrive with your
>> check we will cheerfully cash your check, keep the money and send you nothing. 
>My God, have you ever heard anything so cynical as this message?  With
>a few *small* exceptions, I've found comp.sys.amiga to be populated with
>extremely friendly and helpful people.  Why are *you* always so huffed
>up about something?  With all due respect Perry,  I believe you are in
>dire need of a vacation...

No, I think ASDG's right.  With all those people out there supporting
piracy, I would have done the same thing...  Life's tough, pirates, go
parasite off someone else or some other machine!  Come on, if I had pirated
CED pro, and I wanted the update to pirate somemore, I'd just send them $25
and pay $75 *less* for their product.  (I bought mine mail-order, though, so
I should be one to talk.  I couldn't afford it at full price either).


Disclaimer:  I'm speaking only for myself, so there!
Na Choon Piaw
P.O. Box 4067, Berkeley, CA 94704-0067

unland@cbmvax.UUCP (Rick Unland - Regional Support) (08/30/89)

Perry, From all of us at the Western Regional Offices, Congratulations
on the birth of your son. Best wishes to you and your family!

Rick Unland, Ed Havlik, Tracy Barlow, Alan Brookes

******* Rick Unland	Commodore Business Machines ****************************
*	Usenet: uunet!cbmvax!unland  ARPA: cbmvax!unland!@uunet.UU.NET         *
*	These opinions are my Own!   Not my employers, unless so stated!       *
* "I thought they said the Commodore could stand up to anything!"              *
*********************************************** Earth Girls Are Easy! **********

portuesi@tweezers.esd.sgi.com (Michael Portuesi) (01/05/90)

Perhaps Perry, or somebody with a copy of CEDPro Rel 2, can answer the
following questions:

	* Can CEDPro edit files larger than physical memory?

	* Can CEDPro handle more file buffers than physical memory
	  will allow?

	* Does CEDPro release memory back to the system when a buffer
	  is eliminated, or does its "working set" continue to
	  increase during the lifetime of the program's run?

	* Is it possible to get some sort of a shell running in a
	  CEDPro window, either automatically or through a batch of
	  ARexx hacks?

	* Does CEDPro support anything like the Emacs "kill ring",
	  which remembers the last n text deletions and allows you to
	  choose among them when inserting text into the current

	* Does CEDPro support anything like the Emacs "incremental
	  search", where the editor searches for the string as it is
	  being typed?  If not, would it be possible to implement it
	  via ARexx?  Would it be easy?

	* Does CEDPro come with a C programming mode, which does
	  auto-indentation of C code, match parentheses and braces,
	  and offers commands for cursor movement that operate around
	  C syntax?  Is it easy to customize indentation styles?
	  Would it be easy to extend the facility to handle C++

I like the concept of a fast, powerful editor that takes advantage of
the Amiga interface and uses ARexx as its extension language.
However, after five years using Emacs, I'm enough of an Emacs bigot
that I don't want to lose features by changing editors.

\/  Michael Portuesi	Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
    portuesi@SGI.COM	Entry Systems Division -- Engineering

perry@madnix.UUCP (Perry Kivolowitz) (01/09/90)

In article <PORTUESI.90Jan5105418@tweezers.esd.sgi.com> portuesi@sgi.com (Michael Portuesi) writes:
>Perhaps Perry, or somebody with a copy of CEDPro Rel 2, can answer the
>following questions:

>	* Can CEDPro edit files larger than physical memory?

No, CEDPro is bound by physical memory.

>	* Can CEDPro handle more file buffers than physical memory
>	  will allow?

Nope. Actually, CEDPro will deal with 10 file buffers (called views) max.
The ability to have hidden views (ie: more than will fit on the screen)
is one list for someday.

>	* Does CEDPro release memory back to the system when a buffer
>	  is eliminated, or does its "working set" continue to
>	  increase during the lifetime of the program's run?

When a view is eliminated, its memory is release immediately.

>	* Is it possible to get some sort of a shell running in a
>	  CEDPro window, either automatically or through a batch of
>	  ARexx hacks?

On the face of it, I think the answer is no. However, you can launch DOS and
ARexx commands from CEDPro at will. 

>	* Does CEDPro support anything like the Emacs "kill ring",
>	  which remembers the last n text deletions and allows you to
>	  choose among them when inserting text into the current
>	  buffer?

This can be handled in one of several ways. CEDPro does have a progressive
UNDO/REDO. You can scroll back your session to the point where something that
doesn't exist any more, did exist and then copy that to the paste buffer and
then redo the changes (having the paste buffer preserved). Grody, I know.

Now that CEDPro has AmigaDOS clipboard support (think of it as multiple named
paste buffers) you could easily write ARexx programs to implement this.

>	* Does CEDPro support anything like the Emacs "incremental
>	  search", where the editor searches for the string as it is
>	  being typed?  If not, would it be possible to implement it
>	  via ARexx?  Would it be easy?

The native search mode is not incremental, however I do believe this could
be done fairly easily with ARexx.

>	* Does CEDPro come with a C programming mode, which does
>	  auto-indentation of C code, match parentheses and braces,
>	  and offers commands for cursor movement that operate around
>	  C syntax?  Is it easy to customize indentation styles?
>	  Would it be easy to extend the facility to handle C++
>	  syntax?

Autoindenting and matching of parenthetics are builtin features of the editor.
ARexx programs can now easily be written for more advanced cursor movement and
other language support.

>I like the concept of a fast, powerful editor that takes advantage of
>the Amiga interface and uses ARexx as its extension language.
>However, after five years using Emacs, I'm enough of an Emacs bigot
>that I don't want to lose features by changing editors.

You're a demanding customer. So far, the most demanding customer we've had
was Carl Sassenrath, but I think you've got him beat on your VM file handling

Best advice is to try the editor out at your local dealer. However, he/she
won't Release 2 (we've been bitten by boxes from hell) until we can get
some decent packaging (whimper). We expect stores to be stocked with Release
2 by the end of January. 

Thanks for the interest.


Perry Kivolowitz, ASDG Inc. ``We look for things. Things that make us go.''
	UUCP:  {harvard|rutgers|ucbvax}!uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!perry
	CIS:   76004,1765 PLINK: pk-asdg

valentin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Valentin Pepelea) (01/11/90)

In article <1039@madnix.UUCP> perry@madnix.UUCP (Perry Kivolowitz) writes:
>You're a demanding customer. So far, the most demanding customer we've had
>was Carl Sassenrath, but I think you've got him beat on your VM file handling

Not really. Although Carl has made the implementation of virtual memory 'by
default' difficult because of the use of Forbid() rather than semaphores,
virtual memory can still be allocated on demand otherwise.

It is possible to add information to a hunk header to tell LoadSeg to load that
hunk into virtual memory, thus it would be possible to eventually have
VM-friendly programs automatically get virtual memory by default.

The Goddess of democracy? "The tyrants     Name:    Valentin Pepelea
may distroy a statue,  but they cannot     Phone:   (215) 431-9327
kill a god."                               UseNet:  cbmvax!valentin@uunet.uu.net
             - Ancient Chinese Proverb     Claimer: I not Commodore spokesman be