[comp.sys.amiga] Re^2: RawCopy V1.3 and FaTracks disk copiers

lupe@alanya.Sun.COM (Lupe Christoph Sun Germany Consulting) (01/17/90)

MARCUS%MOLE.PCL.AC.UK@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Talking With Myself) writes:

>There is only ONE copier worth getting the Cyclone II hardware/software
>combination. This has copied ALL my protected disks.

There was a review of Cyclone II in the German Amiga Magazin. It failed
to copy roughly 25~40% of the copy-protected disks. I don't have the
magazine at work. I do remeber that R-Type and Rock'n Roll were not
copied (I own these two).

>It comes with X-Copy II from Cachet Software of West Germany. Sorry, I don't
>have the address on me.

It is sold by a few German mail order houses. Cost ~70DM with hardware.
Anybody wanting the addresses please mail me. I will respond with
them. (Please have patience, I will be out of the office most of the time
for the next two weeks.)

There is another product with hardware on the market here in Germany.
It's called Burstnibbler. There was no report on it yet in any magazine
I looked into. Anybody tried this or seen a report ?

| lchristoph@Sun.COM     (Internet)              | 		Disclaimer: |
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| ...!suninfo!lchristoph (Sun Germany customers) | 	     to my opinion. |