[comp.sys.amiga] Mem chips for the Amiga 200HD with A2091 controller

jol@sei.cmu.edu (Eel O'Nuj) (01/11/90)

Hi, everyone.

Does anyone know what type of DRAM chips is used to populate the
A2091 controller.  Is it 256x1 chips or 256x4?
I want to upgrade the whole 2 meg space.

The Eelman

sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) (01/11/90)

jol@sei.cmu.edu (Eel O'Nuj) writes:

>Does anyone know what type of DRAM chips is used to populate the
>A2091 controller.  Is it 256x1 chips or 256x4?
>I want to upgrade the whole 2 meg space.

Is the A2091 released then? A friend has been waiting for it. As of about
a week and a half ago, no mail order places that I called had received any.
If it's out, can anybody tell me of some place that carries it? Or is 
mail order cut out on Amiga peripherals and cards as well as the computers 

John Sparks  | D.I.S.K. 24hrs 1200bps. Accessable via Starlink (Louisville KY)
sparks@corpane.UUCP <><><><><><><><><><><> D.I.S.K. ph:502/968-5401 thru -5406  
Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive.

stan@jazz.UUCP (Stan Fisher) (01/13/90)

In article <1309@corpane.UUCP> sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) writes:
>jol@sei.cmu.edu (Eel O'Nuj) writes:
>>Does anyone know what type of DRAM chips is used to populate the
>>A2091 controller.  Is it 256x1 chips or 256x4?
>>I want to upgrade the whole 2 meg space.
>Is the A2091 released then? A friend has been waiting for it. As of about
>a week and a half ago, no mail order places that I called had received any.
>If it's out, can anybody tell me of some place that carries it? Or is 
>mail order cut out on Amiga peripherals and cards as well as the computers 
>John Sparks  | D.I.S.K. 24hrs 1200bps. Accessable via Starlink (Louisville KY)
>sparks@corpane.UUCP <><><><><><><><><><><> D.I.S.K. ph:502/968-5401 thru -5406  

First, the 2091 uses 20 pin 256k X 4 DIPs (I really wish they had stuck with
  ZIPs like the 2620, those DIPs aren't as easy to find, but I guess they
  figured they had the acreage available so why not spread it out? ;^/)

Second, yup it's out.  I just bought mine from my local dealer, (Support your
  local dealer folks)  but he only got 3 in from his order of 6 or 10.  I don't
  know about the status of mail order on CBM add ons. (The Dealer is Computer
  Discount, who's Colorado store is mail order BTW)

As a side note, I think they are grabbing 2091's that were going down the 
line for 2091-40's (2091 with Quantum 40 package) 'cause mine (2091, no 40)
had the sticker on the back mount plate that said, "2091 controller with Quantum
40 meg drive".  They also left out the power cable and SCSI cable that's
supposed to be included.  I know quit bitchin' at least I got one right? ;^)

And the install software (HDToolBox) is sooooooooooooooooooo nice!  Thanks
Commodore for doing it right the third time. (is that a jab? noooooo  ;^)
I really do love it.

  Stan Fisher -  stan@teroach.phx.mcd.mot.com -  asuvax!mcdphx!teroach!stan
  Motorola Microcomputer Division, Tempe, Arizona   -  Voice (602) 438-3228
  Call our User Group BBS "M.E.C.C.A." running Atredes 1.1 @ (602) 893-0804

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (01/13/90)

In <90013.182739JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET>, JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET (JKT) writes:
>In article <1309@corpane.UUCP>, sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) says:
>>Is the A2091 released then? A friend has been waiting for it. As of about
>>a week and a half ago, no mail order places that I called had received any.
>>If it's out, can anybody tell me of some place that carries it? Or is
>>mail order cut out on Amiga peripherals and cards as well as the computers
>No, as of Friday, January 12th it was not released...even to Commodore
>employees.  :-(   No date was given as to when it will be available either.

Ummm... not quite true. Several have been reported purchased (a number of them
in Denver, as an example). Additionally, they are being shipped to dealers by
Commodore Canada, though at this time they come only with a drive, as a

As usual, not all countries get them at the same time, and not all dealers
within a country get them at the same time. Shouldn't be long before we are up
to our armpits in them. :-)


"Cavett Emptor - Let the talk show host beware!" - Evan Marcus
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

bmacintyre@watdragon.waterloo.edu (Blair MacIntyre) (01/14/90)

>>Does anyone know what type of DRAM chips is used to populate the
>>A2091 controller.  Is it 256x1 chips or 256x4?

It uses 256k x 4 drams, 120ns or faster ( I got this info from someone 
at Commodore ).
>Is the A2091 released then? 

It better be out ... my roommate has one!

He got it from a dealer who got it from Commodore Canada. 

-- Blair MacIntyre, Professional Leech on Society ( aka CS Graduate Student )
-- bmacintyre@{watcgl, watdragon, violet}.{waterloo.edu, UWaterloo.ca}
-- Date, verb: prearranged socializing with intent.

JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET (JKT) (01/14/90)

In article <1309@corpane.UUCP>, sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) says:
>Is the A2091 released then? A friend has been waiting for it. As of about
>a week and a half ago, no mail order places that I called had received any.
>If it's out, can anybody tell me of some place that carries it? Or is
>mail order cut out on Amiga peripherals and cards as well as the computers

No, as of Friday, January 12th it was not released...even to Commodore
employees.  :-(   No date was given as to when it will be available either.

|| Kurt Tappe   (814) 862-8630 ||  "This town needs an enema."        ||
|| 600 E. Pollock Rd., #5705   ||                        - Joker      ||
|| State College, PA 16801     ||                                     ||
||   jkt100@psuvm.bitnet  or    --------------------------------------||
||      jkt100%psuvm.bitnet@psuvax1  or  jkt100@psuvm.psu.edu         ||

easu021@orion.oac.uci.edu (Jason Goldberg) (01/15/90)

I have in stock 12 A2091's and 12 A2091/40Q (40 meg Quantum on the card) in 
stock at my store.  ComputerCity (714-892-1873).  I recieved shipment of the
2091's on 1/9/90 and the 2091/40Q's on 1/11/90.  So both have been avail
for at least that long.  I recieved CPU's with the 2091's even before that 
(A2000HD's, A2500's, and A2500/030's).  My DSM at CBM tells me that the 
cards without drives are in short supply due to their use in machines but that
there are plenty of A2091/40's to go around.

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu (Ralph Seguin) (01/16/90)

In article <90013.182739JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET> JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET (JKT) writes:
>In article <1309@corpane.UUCP>, sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) says:
>>Is the A2091 released then? A friend has been waiting for it. As of about

>No, as of Friday, January 12th it was not released...even to Commodore
>employees.  :-(   No date was given as to when it will be available either.

Bzzzt.. Wrong answer.  I've had mine since December 12th.

				See ya, Ralph Seguin

gilgalad@caen.engin.umich.edu     gilgalad@dip.eecs.umich.edu
gilgalad@goliath.eecs.umich.edu   Ralph_Seguin@ub.cc.umich.edu
gilgalad@sparky.eecs.umich.edu    USER6TUN@UMICHUB.BITNET

Ralph Seguin               |  In order to get infinitely many monkeys to type
11010 Lighthouse Dr. #234  | something that actually makes sense, you need to
Belleville, MI 48111       | have infinitely many monkey editors as well.
(313) 697-1048

usenet@cps3xx.UUCP (Usenet file owner) (01/17/90)

From article <4198@orion.cf.uci.edu>, by easu021@orion.oac.uci.edu (Jason Goldberg):
> I have in stock 12 A2091's and 12 A2091/40Q (40 meg Quantum on the card) in 

> for at least that long.  I recieved CPU's with the 2091's even before that 
> (A2000HD's, A2500's, and A2500/030's).  My DSM at CBM tells me that the 

> there are plenty of A2091/40's to go around.
> -Jason-

  I have a 2000HD and would like to know how I can tell if I have the HD
controller that has the space for the RAM chips.  I bought the machine 
around July '89. Is there two versions of the HD controller in the 2000HD's
or do I have the new one already?  If somebody could tell be a quick way to
tell, probably by inspection of the card, I would appreciate it.

Brett Harper

JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET (JKT) (01/17/90)

In article <1016@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca>, lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry
Phillips) says:
>In <90013.182739JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET>, JKT100@PSUVM.BITNET (JKT) writes:
>>In article <1309@corpane.UUCP>, sparks@corpane.UUCP (John Sparks) says:
>>>Is the A2091 released then? A friend has been waiting for it. As of
>>>about a week and a half ago, no mail order places that I called had
>>>received any.
>>No, as of Friday, January 12th it was not released...even to Commodore
>>employees.  :-(   No date was given when it will be available either.
>Ummm... not quite true. Several have been reported purchased (a number
>of them in Denver, as an example). Additionally, they are being shipped
>to dealers by Commodore Canada, though at this time they come only with
>a drive, as a package.
Here is what I know, as of today, January 16th.

1) I, as a Commodore employee, have been trying to get one since before
2) Just today I talked with the manager of the company store, and he told
   me how all 2000HD/1's they had got taken back - this is a paraphrase.
   His actual sentence used the word recalled.
3) I am very frustrated, having been promised this piece of hardware for
   over a month now, and being unable to get any info, even on the inside.

**DISCLAIMER - I'm not trying to start any rumors.  This is just what
               I was told.  I can't get any details from anyone as to
               what the 2091's status is at all.

|| Kurt Tappe   (814) 862-8630 ||  "This town needs an enema."        ||
|| 600 E. Pollock Rd., #5705   ||                        - Joker      ||
|| State College, PA 16801     ||                                     ||
||   jkt100@psuvm.bitnet  or    --------------------------------------||
||      jkt100%psuvm.bitnet@psuvax1  or  jkt100@psuvm.psu.edu         ||