[comp.sys.amiga] Syquest drives

pg0p+@andrew.cmu.edu (Peter Cranston Green) (01/18/90)


Thought this might be interesting to any of you looking for a hard drive.

Over the summer I was considering getting a Mac II and/or an Amiga.  I
ended up getting the Amiga with a bunch of peripherals.  Two of which
were a Microtech R45 for the Mac and a C-ltd. SCSI Interface.  Well, it
works!  I can attach the drive to Amiga, pop in an Amiga-formatted
platter, and bang!  Then, if I want to use Pagemaker to work on my
resume, I just unplug the drive, run over to a public cluster (CMU has a
bunch of them), plug in the drive and put in my Mac-formatted platter. 

Nothing great really, but it was cheap, too.  The drive + 1 platter was
$850.  Each extra 45M platter is $85.  And the SCSI Interface couldn't
have been more than $200, though I don't remember.  Unlimited megs,
Amiga and Mac compatibility.  A no lose scenario.  It even comes with a
2-year warranty.

Microtech and C-Ltd were friendly, courteous and pretty smart, too.

Peter C. Green