[comp.sys.amiga] PageStream 1.8 is here.

gheff@hubcap.clemson.edu (Gary R Heffelfinger) (01/18/90)

I got an envelope in the mail yesterday from Soft-Logik containing a
20 page doc update and a diskette.  The diskette contains PS 1.8 and a series
of new and updated drivers and filters.  No new fonts, but I didn't
really expect that.  I haven't had time to do anything but install it and
bring it up long enough to see that it will load my version 1.6
newsletters.  The one thing that I did notice is that the file requester
is less brain damaged than it used to be.  I haven't tried any of my
favorite bug-revealing techniques yet.

I'll post more when I have more experience.

             Gary R Heffelfinger ------ gheff@hubcap.clemson.edu
               Clemson University - Info. Systems Development
           >>>>> Unrepentant Amiga addict.  Just say "yes." <<<<<<