[comp.sys.amiga] Using Hanshake and 2400zi modem

880274d@aucs.uucp (Ralph Doncaster) (01/19/90)

I have a Supra 2400zi internal modem for the 2000, which uses its own modem0.device driver rather than the serial.device driver.  It comes with a program that  will change all occurrances of serial.device with modem0.device, if it does not
have the ability to select which serial driver to use.  
Unfortunately, when I use this program on Handshake, it does not work.  All I
get is a visit from the guru.  (the 2400zi manual states Hanshake does not work)
The stranger thing is that if I ignore the guru and try the program again, it
does work.  Unfortunately, I don't consider this a real solution. (I don't like
leaving dead tasks around and it wastes memory)
If I run gomf before using it, gomf says that the guru is a division by zero 
The version of Handshake I'm using is 2.12a.
I've tried E-mailing Eric Haberfellner with no success.
Does anyone know a way around this problem or a newer version of Handshake that
will work?

|Ralph Doncaster        Don't Steal - The Government hates competition.     |
|880274d@AcadiaU.CA     329 CHI, Acadia University, Wolfville, NS B0P 1X0   |
|UUCP: {uunet|watmath|utai}!cs.dal.ca!aucs!880274d  BITNET: 880274d@Acadia  |