[comp.sys.amiga] speech chip?

murphy@pur-phy (William J. Murphy) (01/20/90)

In article <6173@uhccux.uhcc.hawaii.edu> gregg@uhccux.UUCP (Gregg Isara) writes:
>      I'm interested in getting more information about a speech and sound
>synthesizing chip developed by Texas Instruments.  There was an article in
>the December 1989 IEEE Institute about the chip that was featured in
>certain BusinessWeek magazines.  If anyone knows how I can get specifications
>sheets or the chip itself I would greatly appreciate it.  The chip number is

HEY COMMODORE!  Since the A3000 isn't written in stone, what about using
a dedicated speech chip to be controlled by the narrator device?  If you 
can't do that, then what about giving us something better than 8bit sound
at 15 KHz?  Not too start a war, but the NeXT's 16 bit 22KHz sound files
sure do sound sweet.  How about a Motorola 96002 DSP chip or the Texas
Instrument's TMS320C30 so that we can bash bits around the video memory as
well as compose the next Beethoven Symphony?

 Bill Murphy                          murphy@newton.physics.purdue.edu
Enjoying my Amiga 2000, but holding out for a real computer: The Amiga 3000!!