[comp.sys.amiga] How do I contact Steve Tibbett?

greg@noel.CTS.COM (J. Gregory Noel) (01/14/90)

I have fixed some resource-leakage bugs in KV, the program that comes with
and complements VirusX, and I'd like to send the modifications to Steve
Tibbett so they can be included in the future.  Is there an e-mail address
where I can reach him?  The documentation says he has a CompuServe account;
I can reach that if someone knows his ID number.

J. Gregory Noel, UNIX Guru         greg@noel.cts.com  or  greg@noel.uucp

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (01/15/90)

In <7205@lindy.Stanford.EDU>, chad@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (darknight) writes:
>	I too would like to know his Compuserve address (and how to
>use it from Usenet) to point out some opinions I have with his code...

Steve isn't on Compuserve very often, but those on Bix can let him know you
flamed his coding style in public, and that there is mail on the way to
Compuserve for him.  Direct mail to:



"Cavett Emptor - Let the talk show host beware!" - Evan Marcus
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

valentin@cbmvax.commodore.com (Valentin Pepelea) (01/16/90)

In article <1162.AA1162@noel> greg@noel.CTS.COM (J. Gregory Noel) writes:
>I have fixed some resource-leakage bugs in KV, the program that comes with
>and complements VirusX, and I'd like to send the modifications to Steve
>Tibbett so they can be included in the future.  Is there an e-mail address
>where I can reach him?  The documentation says he has a CompuServe account;
>I can reach that if someone knows his ID number.

I don't know whether he really has a Compuserve account, but his BIX login name
is stevex. Steve also runs a BBS in Ottawa, where you can find the latest
version of his VirusX virus checker. Call (613) 731-3419.


chad@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (darknight) (01/16/90)

In article <1162.AA1162@noel> greg@noel.CTS.COM (J. Gregory Noel) writes:
>I have fixed some resource-leakage bugs in KV, the program that comes with
>and complements VirusX, and I'd like to send the modifications to Steve
>Tibbett so they can be included in the future.  Is there an e-mail address
>where I can reach him?  The documentation says he has a CompuServe account;
>I can reach that if someone knows his ID number.

	I too would like to know his Compuserve address (and how to
use it from Usenet) to point out some opinions I have with his code...
First of all, it seems that he did not include the file "virusx.i"
with the distribution I got (which I'm almost positive was intact).  A
friend of mine (davids@ucscb.ucsc.edu) with Lattice (I have Manx)
discovered this when trying to recompile his code to fix some of the
"anomolies" in his code...

	Secondly, on a more technical note (which is why I have
directed followups to comp.sys.amiga-tech), has anyone examined
Steve's code and literally been ASTOUNDED by some of his programming
style?  (And I don't mean the way he formats his C code, I mean his
actual PROGRAMMING methods)  They are very, let's say, educational...
	I started to examine his code when I saw that XOper showed
VirusX using about 40%-70% CPU time, even while it was sitting there
apparently doing nothing (Actually it turns out it is checking memory
continuously...)  In any case I went through the code and found some
very unusual "tricks"  (such as using 6 WaitTOF()'s in a row, instead
of Delay(), and putting them in a busy-loop, making what I have termed
a "Kinda-Busy Loop")  Another one is using an assignment ("=" as
opposed to "==" from variable to variable, not as a return from a
function) in a CONDITIONAL loop [ie. "if (foo=bar){}" instead of "if
(foo==bar){}"]  At first I thought it was a bug...
	In any case, this brought up a discussion with the
afforementioned 'davids' about the Delay() call.  Is there any reason
not to use Delay(), other than the Delay(0L) bug, and the fact that it
cannot be called from a task (ie. It's a DOS call)?  I thought I heard
it busy waited, but some simple tests proved that this was untrue.
	Again, please E-Mail responses about Steve's address, and
follow-up the technical discussion to comp.sys.amiga-tech.
INTERNET: chad@ucscb.ucsc.edu	      Chad 'The_Walrus' Netzer->AmigaManiac++

"Heaven won't have me, and Hell's afraid I'll take over..."
						- *I* didn't make it up!

lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) (01/17/90)

In <2863@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US>, swan@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Joel Swan) writes:
>I'm almost positive Steve does not have an account on CompuServe.

72627,1325 Steve Tibbett


"Cavett Emptor - Let the talk show host beware!" - Evan Marcus
|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

swan@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Joel Swan) (01/17/90)

:In article <1162.AA1162@noel> greg@noel.CTS.COM (J. Gregory Noel) writes:
:>I have fixed some resource-leakage bugs in KV, the program that comes with
:>and complements VirusX, and I'd like to send the modifications to Steve
:>Tibbett so they can be included in the future.  Is there an e-mail address
:>where I can reach him?  The documentation says he has a CompuServe account;
:>I can reach that if someone knows his ID number.
:	I too would like to know his Compuserve address (and how to
:use it from Usenet) to point out some opinions I have with his code...

I'm almost positive Steve does not have an account on CompuServe.
However I am absolutely sure he is on PeopleLink, in fact, almost
every evening he's in and out of Conference.  He's also very active
in the notice area.  

While most of us don't like to pay big$ for big BBS's, I think
a membership to PLINK is a good idea.  There is no monthly charge.
However, the few times you may want to communicate with a "heavy weight"
in the Amiga development community, chances are they are hanging
around PLINK.  (People like Steve Tibbett, Dave Haynie, Dale Luck,
OJ Sands, Lou Wallace, Perry Kivolowitz, etc., etc.)  And Plink's rates are the 
lowest around.  They also have official support sigs for Soft-Logic, Gold Disk,
Precision (Super Base) and on and on.  It's a VERY active group with probably
the finest software LIB in existance.

BTW- NO, I don't work for PLINK.  I think that we _sometimes_ need to bite the
bullet and spend a couple bucks to get right to the source instead of
beating around the bush.

Now I do know Steve also has his own BBS, but sorry to say I don't know the
number off hand.  Sorry.

PS- A praise of PLINK wouldn't be complete without mentioning Harv Laser,
ever present and faithful AmigaZone Patriarc :-)  Hi Harv!

Joel E. Swan                                   USENET: swan@jolnet
Media Specialties Ltd.  &                      PLINK : Amiga*Joel
Moody Broadcasting Network                     CI$   : 74746,3240

swan@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Joel Swan) (01/20/90)

In article <1057@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca> lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca (Larry Phillips) writes:
:In <2863@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US>, swan@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (Joel Swan) writes:
:>I'm almost positive Steve does not have an account on CompuServe.
:72627,1325 Steve Tibbett

That's right, I was in err.  He has a number.  But like he says, who can 
remember a silly number instead of a name.  

:"Cavett Emptor - Let the talk show host beware!" - Evan Marcus
:|   //   Larry Phillips                                                 |
:| \X/    lphillips@lpami.wimsey.bc.ca -or- uunet!van-bc!lpami!lphillips |
:|        COMPUSERVE: 76703,4322  -or-  76703.4322@compuserve.com        |

Joel E. Swan                                   USENET: swan@jolnet
Media Specialties Ltd.  &                      PLINK : Amiga*Joel
Moody Broadcasting Network                     CI$   : 74746,3240