[comp.sys.amiga] Welcome to comp.sys.amiga.hardware

filbo@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us (Bela Lubkin) (02/01/90)

Well.  It's all been said and done, and comp.sys.amiga.hardware should
now exist over most of the Usenet.  (I would like confirmation that the
newgroup message reached outside the USA; would a few people in Europe,
Great Britain, Australia, Japan and elsewhere please email me about
this?  I don't need 100 messages about it, so use some randomization
device to decide whether to mail me, with about a 10% probability...)

As voted, the charter of the group is:

> comp.sys.amiga.hardware (unmoderated)
> Purpose: discussion about Amiga computer hardware.  Questions about
>          the purchase of new hardware; problems with existing hardware;
>          reviews of hardware products; modification and hacks of
>          existing hardware; design of new hardware.

Let's start moving discussions of hardware out of comp.sys.amiga and
comp.sys.amiga.tech, into the new group.


Bela Lubkin   * *   //  filbo@gorn.santa-cruz.ca.us   CI$: 73047,1112 (slow)
     @      * *    //  belal@sco.com  ...ucbvax!ucscc!{gorn!filbo,sco!belal}
R Pentomino   *  \X/  Filbo @ Pyrzqxgl +1 408-476-4633, XBBS +1 408-476-4945