[comp.sys.amiga] Memory Chips for 2091?

sutherla@qtp.ufl.edu (scott sutherland) (02/02/90)

	I realize that this has been covered recently in this newsgroup,
but at the time I was not paying attention.  Since the recent 
announcement that current Amiga owners can take advantage of the 
educational discount on expansion items until 3/31/90, I have made
the decision to finally get a hard disk and some expansion ram.
(I'll use my IRS tax refund.  ;^))  The ideal solution seems to be
the new A2091 HD controller with the 40 Mb drive on it.  I've read
only good things about this combo on the net recently.  I understand
that you can put 2 Mb of ram on this card.  Recent postings have discussed
the types of ram you can use, but since I didn't think I was going to
purchase the A2091, I just hit 'n' on those articles.  NOW I AM INTERESTED!!

	Could someone PLEASE EMAIL to me the following:

	1) What do I need to know about the ram chips needed for the board?
	   Speed, manufacturer, model numbers, etc.  I've never bought ram
	   before so I do not understand all the "parameters" involved.

	2) What should I expect to pay, at today's prices, for 2 Mb of 
	   this memory?  Can anyone point me to a reputable dealer with
	   good chips that are inexpensive?  Is Fry's Electronics,
	   mentioned frequently on the net, a good option?

	3) What is involved in installing these on the board?  I assume I 
	   need a dealer to do this so I don't fry the chips, correct?
	   If I can get specifics on how to do this and what precautions
	   need to be taken, I may be able to get the electronics shop
	   in our chemistry department to help me do it myself.

	4) Any general comments about memory expansion, HD's (especially
	   w.r.t. FFS, Autobooting, Backups, etc.) would be appreciated.


Scott Sutherland