[comp.sys.amiga] Trade-in tricks

nschultz@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Ned W. Schultz) (02/14/90)

My father has been checking into the 1000-->2000HD trade-in, which is
set at $1599.  First thing he found was that it could be had for
$1579 (the place is Briwall, in PA).  Next he discovered that he
could keep his 1000 cpu and only trade in the keyboard.  He has some
leads on replacement keyboards, so obviously he could then sell the
1000 or pass it on to my sister.  Lastly, he checks back with the local
dealers who at first were locked on the full price and insisted that
they needed the cpu plus keyboard, and they match the offer without

Moral: don't give away your money or your cpu if you don't have to.

Ned Schultz     nschultz@polyslo.calpoly.edu

watters@owl.cis.ohio-state.edu (david r watters) (02/15/90)

One important thing about the 1000 trade in, is that you do get to keep your
CPU and if you think about it, that is GREAT.  What you should immediately do
is run out and buy/make a null modem cable, then start using AUX: or Dnet, or
anything of this sort, to set up your own AmigaNet, Use your 1000 to sit and
run non-speed dependent tasks, or if your 1000 is the accelerated machinem
reverse that. If you have a Hdrive on your 1000, presto, your own Amiga server!
Iteractive games, such as Falcon, Stunt Track Racer, FlightSim., FirePower, and
Turbo to name a few will be great.
My advice, If your are not a higher Ed. student/teacher, and you do not have a
A1000, and were planning on buy a A2000 series machine, JUMP at one of these
1000 systems for sale, pay $500-$800 for a fully loaded system, trade-in the
keyboard as a $400-$100 off coupon, and have a machine with  2 processors,
8 coprocessors, 8 floppies (max), 2buses, 2 monitors, ect.!!!!!!!!!!
($1000discount - $500investment = $500savings + 2 computers)

If you think MultiTasking is neat, wait till you get a taste of networking with
David Watters