[comp.sys.amiga] xlisp 2.0 bin and srcs

pmorris@bbn.com (phil morris) (02/20/90)

Hi all,

I have the old Xlisp from the fish disk (below 100), but have since
found an xlisp.ref doc for xlisp 2.0 -- where can I get the source and
binary for it though?  (I think I found the doc on mcrnext.cso.uiuc.edu).

Thanks,  Phil

Phil Morris (pmorris@dgi0.bbn.com)
Disclaimer: ME? I'm only a non-smoking cat; can't believe a word I meow.

per@iesd.auc.dk (Per Langfeldt Hagen) (02/23/90)


You can find Xlisp2.0, now called AMXLISP on fishdisk 181. It is a
zoofile of about 280 kb. It is available from uxe.cso.uiuc.edu (
