[comp.sys.amiga] Projecting Amiga Video

watters@dinghy.cis.ohio-state.edu (david r watters) (02/25/90)

I think I know a very good and inexpensive way to do this.
Take a look at SharpVision from Sharp.  It is a projector for NTSC composite
video and will project onto anything, ie. a wall, movie screen, ect.
If you have a genlock(actualy just an encoder, but nobody uses the right terms)
you can plug the composite video from it into this sharp vision for big screen
TV or movie type projection, it is suppopose to zoom to fit any size screen,
movie theater?
For info call 1-800-BE-SHARP, I am not a commercial, however I have seen one.

schur@venera.isi.edu (Sean Schur) (02/26/90)

In article <77567@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu> <watters@cis.ohio-state.edu> writes:
>I think I know a very good and inexpensive way to do this.
>Take a look at SharpVision from Sharp.  It is a projector for NTSC composite
>video and will project onto anything, ie. a wall, movie screen, ect.
>If you have a genlock(actualy just an encoder, but nobody uses the right terms)
>you can plug the composite video from it into this sharp vision for big screen
>TV or movie type projection, it is suppopose to zoom to fit any size screen,
>movie theater?

I have looked into the SharpVision becuase I do a lot of projecting Amiga
images. It is an LCD projector and it can project on up to a 100 inch screen.
However, the image isn't all that clean. I would have to say it is not worth
the $5000 they are asking for it.

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Sean Schur		       \   \  /      /
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