[comp.sys.amiga] Common Lisp

jvmiller@zeno1.rdrc.rpi.edu (Jim Miller) (02/25/90)

Is there a Common Lisp for the Amiga?

I would prefer a stable Lisp implementation (as opposed to a first
release public domain package).  Since I am just learning Lisp, if I
encounter a problem I would prefer that the problem be in my
understanding of the syntax than a problem with the particular

Jimmy Miller

soewito@usceast.cs.scarolina.edu (Freddy Soewito) (03/02/90)

Help all!
	Does anybody have any knowledge about the existence of Common
Lisp software for the Amiga? I am interested in Common Lisp in public
domain, or shareware, or even commercially available software. Please
drop me a note if you have any information about Common Lisp.
	Thanks for your concerns.

Freddy Soewito; T170196@UNIVSCVM.BITNET; soewito@cs.scarolina.edu
Department of Computer Science, College of Science and Mathematics
University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208
    (803) 777-3155                (803) 777-3768