[comp.sys.amiga] Lattice 5.05 available

amr@dukee.egr.duke.edu (Anthony M. Richardson) (02/27/90)

I just got a call from Lattice customer support.  I was informed that
Lattice 5.05 is now available and that it fixes a bug I reported about
two months ago. (I don't know what else it fixes.)  She said it was
available on their bulletin board or that they could send it to me.
Since I don't have a modem I asked her to send it and gave her my

In my opinion, that's pretty good customer service.

Tony Richardson    amr@dukee.egr.duke.edu

cjeffery@cs.arizona.edu (Clinton Jeffery) (02/27/90)

> Lattice 5.05 is now available and that it fixes a bug I reported about
> two months ago. (I don't know what else it fixes.)  She said it was
> available on their bulletin board or that they could send it to me.

Would some kind soul care to post the phone number for Lattice's
bulletin board?
| Clint Jeffery, U. of Arizona Dept. of Computer Science
| cjeffery@cs.arizona.edu -or- {noao allegra}!arizona!cjeffery

farren@well.sf.ca.us (Mike Farren) (03/01/90)

amr@dukee.egr.duke.edu (Anthony M. Richardson) writes:

>I just got a call from Lattice customer support.  I was informed that
>Lattice 5.05 is now available and that it fixes a bug I reported about
>two months ago. (I don't know what else it fixes.)  She said it was
>available on their bulletin board or that they could send it to me.
>Since I don't have a modem I asked her to send it and gave her my

A consumer warning: I got the same call, immediately downloaded the patch
files, and found that they would not operate correctly.  I notified Lattice
of the problem, and they are looking into it.  In the meantime, they are
going to send me a complete 5.05 upgrade.

>In my opinion, that's pretty good customer service.

Mine too.  A pleasure to work with these folks.

BTW - to get access to the patch files on the Lattice BBS (whose number
is (708)916-1200 - note the new area code!), you have to contact Lattice
and give them your serial number - you will then be set up to be able
to get 'em.  The customer service number is (708)916-1100.
Mike Farren 				     farren@well.sf.ca.usa

aca@nyit.UUCP (Al Arthur) (03/03/90)

In article <16457@well.sf.ca.us> farren@well.sf.ca.us (Mike Farren) writes:
>amr@dukee.egr.duke.edu (Anthony M. Richardson) writes:
>>Lattice 5.05 is now available and that it fixes a bug I reported about
>>two months ago. (I don't know what else it fixes.)  She said it was
>>available on their bulletin board or that they could send it to me.

>A consumer warning: I got the same call, immediately downloaded the patch
>files, and found that they would not operate correctly.  I notified Lattice

What kind of problem did you have with the Lattice 5.05 patches downloaded
from the Lattice BBS?  I just downloaded the patches last night and then
proceeded to patch the compiler and its utilities.  With some minor problems
(file protection/collisions with exitent files) I had really no problem
with it.  It was late when I was finished, so I didn't get a chance to test
anything more than exercising the `-v' option on each of the programs in
order to validate the revision level.  Am I going to be surprised when I try
to compile something?

Along a similar vein, I also have their C++, configured to be compatible
with the regular C compiler.  Do you forsee any problems there?


Alex Arthur, System Programmer/UUCP Administrator
New York Institute of Technology - Computer Graphics Laboratory
Gerry House, Old Westbury, New York 11568
Phone:(516) 686-7644	UUCP: ...!{sbcs.sunysb.edu,philabs}!nyit!aca 

troyb@pro-graphics.cts.com (Troy Barlow) (03/03/90)

In-Reply-To: message from cjeffery@cs.arizona.edu

 Lattice tech support BBS # is 1-708-916-1200 . Note that you will
need to be a validated caller to access the Lattice update area!


    UUCP: crash!pro-graphics!troyb             |  ProLine: troyb@pro-graphics
InterNet: crash!troyb@pro-graphics.cts.com     |  201/469-0049   3/12/2400 Baud
ARPA/DDN: crash!pro-graphics!troyb@nosc.mil    |  24 Hrs.        Piscataway, NJ

riley@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Daniel S. Riley) (03/05/90)

In article <16457@well.sf.ca.us> farren@well.sf.ca.us (Mike Farren) writes:
>A consumer warning: I got the same call, immediately downloaded the patch
>files, and found that they would not operate correctly.  I notified Lattice
>of the problem, and they are looking into it.  In the meantime, they are
>going to send me a complete 5.05 upgrade.

5.05 worked fine for me.  But not for several other people I've heard
from.  So...

After hearing this story n+1 times, I've come to the conclusion that
Lattice screwed up the 5.04 upgrade and sent out two different versions
(probably one a prerelease beta).  I've heard so many tales of people
having inexplicable upgrade problems that I never saw, that something
like this must be true.  If the 5.05 patch doesn't apply correctly,
or lmk stopped working after the 5.04 patch, or stdlib.h and string.h
have conflicting declarations after you applied the 5.04 patch, then
you may have the wrong version of the 5.04 patch.  Do the usual checks 
for operator error.  If you can't find any, call Lattice and ask them to 
ship you the complete 5.05 update.  They seem pretty nice about doing
this, and if enough people call they may figure out what went wrong.

-Dan Riley (riley@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu, cornell!batcomputer!riley)
-Wilson Lab, Cornell University

jay@deepthot.UUCP (Jay Denebeim) (03/07/90)

In article <16457@well.sf.ca.us> farren@well.sf.ca.us (Mike Farren) writes:
>A consumer warning: I got the same call, immediately downloaded the patch
>files, and found that they would not operate correctly.  I notified Lattice

Aparently there were two versions of the 5.04 patch disk released.  One
had one more fix in it than the other one.  The patch on the Lattice
board only supports the second version.  Car will have a patch on her
board for both versions soon.


 |. o.| || The		 Jay Denebeim
 | .  | ||  Software
 | o  | ||   Distillery
 |    |//
 ====== 	 BBS:(919)-382-8265      VOICE:(919)-382-8288