[comp.sys.amiga] Read this...

dillon@CORY.BERKELEY.EDU (Matt Dillon) (04/20/88)

	Some fool just posted a childish one liner:

	<somebody's name> is an idiot.

	from "legion".  Note that it was posted to a LARGE NUMBER OF GROUPS.
PLEASE REFRAIN FROM FOLLOWUPS!  Any discussion of this prank should be on
news.groups only.


stefan@sherlock.cs.concordia.ca (BUCHHOLZ stefan) (03/09/90)

Ok, here's the story.  I bought my Amy 1.5 years ago and since that time
have acquired some of the most valuable public domain software around. The
thing that pisses me off is that it took me 

        1.5 years, a lot of soul-searching, a degree in Comp. Science, 
        access to Usenet, a love for my machine, subscriptions to 
        AmigoTimes and A-Whirled, a job designing and maintaning our
        multimedia lab, membership to CAM (Club Amiga Montreal),
        and close connections to Commodore... ALL THIS!!!

        ...to become aware of not only the best commercial software, but
more importantly, Public domain software.  I get sooooooo pissed off when
A-whirled hypes a vaporware product or gives a good review to a bad
package... Info is especially notorious of this (PenPal1.0).  Anyhow, I,
being a great semaritan, am posting a list of Public-Domain software that
should be in everyone's collection.  If you don't have it, get it. Pass the
word on, and support the authors!!!  Please don't ask me for details on each
of these as I have only recently obtained them. Most of those I list were
obtained from Tad: You are a king.

The programs I list have increased my produtivity threefold, please spread
the word about the software, and maybe add to the list...