[comp.sys.amiga] New .amgia news group

dave@cs.arizona.edu (David P. Schaumann) (03/18/90)

In article <5398.2602b6fa@uwovax.uwo.ca>, 4223_5266@uwovax.uwo.ca writes:
| In article <1733@gould.doc.ic.ac.uk>, zmacv14@doc.ic.ac.uk (C P Brown) writes:
| > Please can we have a bit less rumour / counter rumour and misinformation in
| > c.s.a.
| > 
| > [ flaming about rumours deleted ]
| > 
| > Thanks for reading this,
| > 
| > Phil Brown
| But that would take all the fun out of it.
| :-)
How about a new news group: comp.sys.amiga.rumor?  Seriously.  :|

Dave Schaumann			| Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
dave@cs.arizona.edu		|		-Monty Python