[comp.sys.amiga] Latest RKMs???

david@starsoft.UUCP (Dave Lowrey) (03/15/90)

Maybe this should become part of the monthly intro posting!!!

For the second time, here are the ISBNs for all three of the 1.3
Reference Manuals:

1. Amiga Rom Kernel Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs
   ISBN 0-201-18177-0

2. Amiga Rom Kernel Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices
   ISBN 0-201-18187-8

3. Amiga Hardware Reference Manual
   ISBN 0-201-18157-6

As to where they can be obtained......

I got mine at various Amiga dealers. They should also be avaliable
at many mail-order places. You could also check bookstores that have
a good technical or computer selection (BookStop has them).

There have been rumors going around that there is going to be a new
DOS manual coming out soon. Anyone have any info on that?

These words be mine. The company doesn't care, because I am the company! :-)

      Dave Lowrey	 |  In Texas: {uhnix1,moray}!starsoft!david
Starbound Software Group | The World: dwl10@uts.amdahl.com (amdahl!dwl10)
      Houston, TX	 |

combar_curt@splake.dec.com (Curt Combar) (03/16/90)

Where can I find the latest Rom Kernal Manuals?  Does anyone have the ISBN
numbers?  Also, what are the available developer packages from CATS?


allen@grebyn.com (Allen Farrington) (03/17/90)

Here are the ISBN's for the 1.3 RKM set.  To order them,
go to any good bookstore, Dalton's carries them in stock,
or order them from any Amiga mail-order house.

Amiga (R) ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Includes & Autodocs
 Revised & Updated, version 1.3.
 ISBN 0-201-18177-0  $32.95

Amiga (R) ROM Kernal Reference Manual: Libraries & Devices
 Revised & Updated, version 1.3.
 ISBN 0-201-18187-8  $34.95

Amiga (R) Hardware Reference Manual
 Revised & Updated, version 1.3.
 ISBN 0-201-18157-6  $24.95

If you order from a bookstore, you will pay full price.
I'm not sure if mail order places discount them.


| Allen H. Farrington (703) 222-9612       | "It's like nothing we've ever
| allen@grebyn.com                         |  dealt with before."
|------------------------------------------|                    -Mr. Spock

mapjilg@bath.ac.uk (J I L Gold) (03/19/90)

I've at last managed to get my copy (here in this backwater called
Britain) of the new Libs & Devs. Fine. However, there is still a 
little bit missing. If you look in the Includes and Autodocs for
dos.library details, it says that's in the AmigaDOS manual. What?
;-\ This is a book that I have not seen on the shelves, and the
RKM's mention nothing about it being another in the series. Where
can I purchase this lofty tome?
 And now, a mild flame. If you read the RKM bit on Menus, and specifi-
cally the bit on menu numbers, the documentation says something like
"always use the macros MENUNUM(),ITEMNUM(),SUBNUM(), never the raw
number because it may change on other implementations." Fine, except
there are NO MACROS TO GO THE OTHER WAY!, so if you want to turn off
a menu option with OffMenu(Window,MenuNumber), for example then you
have to resort to the raw code anyway. Ah well, if it was a perfect
world I would die of having nothing to flame :-)

#  J.Gold                            |    mapjilg@uk.ac.bath.gdr               #
#  University of Bath , UK           |    jilg@uk.ac.bath.maths                #