[comp.sys.amiga] If I had $xx,xxx.00

mrush@csuchico.edu (Matt Rush) (03/30/90)

In article <MWM.90Mar29130100@raven.pa.dec.com> mwm@raven.pa.dec.com (Mike (Real Amigas have keyboard garages) Meyer) writes:
>In article <1990Mar29.050339.15964@uunet!unhd> jwn712@uunet!unhd (Jason W Nyberg) writes:
>   In article <Ea1mhSW00XNIQDgH5y@cs.cmu.edu> Michael.Witbrock@CS.CMU.EDU writes:
>   >If I had 12 000 dollars to spend on a macintosh, I'd spend it on one of
>   >the IBM power 6000 series 
>   >workstations instead. 
>   Why?  (not sarcasm, just curiosity)  With the student discount, 
>	I could get 4 '030 A2500's with that money.

	I'd probably just get ONE A2500/30 and a maybe a new truck.
   Ya, that's the ticket...    :-)

	-- Matt

    %   I wanna use Virtual Memory to create   %  mrush@csuchico.edu   %
    %   a giant RAM disk!                      %  mrush@cscihp.UUCP    %
     This is a SCHOOL!  Do you think they even CARE about MY opinions?!