[comp.sys.amiga] Address for jet@karazm...

crash@ckctpa.UUCP (Frank J. Edwards) (04/08/90)

Sorry, net.folks, but my mail to the fellow given in the Subject line has
bounced numerous times and this is a last-ditch way to reach'em.

So, "jet", send me a good email path (perhaps the Path line from this
article) and your answer concerning compiling the UUPC/CNews stuff will
be answered :-)
Frank J. Edwards		ComputerKnowledge Corp
2677 Arjay Court		12740 Hillcrest, Suite 212
Palm Harbor, FL  34684-4505	Dallas, TX  75230
Phone:  (813) 786-3675		(214) 385-9700 / (800) 227-9700