[comp.sys.amiga] High Density Drives

derf@psc90.UUCP (The guy with the Amiga) (04/10/90)

	Has the Applied Engineering high denisty 3.5" (1.77m) drive been
officially released.. Is there anyone out there with it? If so, share it with
us... Or send mail to me.. I am quite interested in this drive.. It is
advertised in Amiga World (May 1990) on pg. 27. Thanks..

PS -

 *								           *
 *         BTW:   Could we all stop slandering and whining about this      *
 * 		  Amiga/Apple/IBM/Price/Performance/Mine better/etc.       * 
 *		  thing.. Most messages lately don't have any relevant     *
 *		  information about Amiga products or constructive topics..*
 *                Tanks muchly.. 					   *
 *									   *

Fred Slama at Plymouth State College, Plymouth NH | uunet!unhd!psc90!derf
--------------------------------------------------+ F_SLAMA@UNHH 
						    DANGER: Amiga user at large
 " Byte me, chew me,.. I am spicy, I am tart, I am Molly McButter " -Joe

hill@evax.arl.utexas.edu (Adam Hill/Wintermute) (04/10/90)


   The AE drive IS NOT availible yet. It is 3 weeks away (as of April 3). You
may order it now and they will not charge your CC 'till it comes in. I still 
haven't talked to an engineer yet so I have no idea how they decode the MFM 
data that fast AND get Paula to pump the bits in and out.
  They have (had) a 60% share of after market products for the Apple II. They
make everything from modems to HD for Apple II's. I don't think it is 
vaporware, they are a solid company from the "other side" :-) :-)

  An interesting note --- They also make a drive for the Apple II that will 
also work on a MAC, if this is a variable speed drive it bodes well for AMAX.
Now if it will work with 1.67 MEG SWIM drive floppies.......

  If any engineering type have any ideas on how they make Ami do this e-mail
or posts would be appreciated. Perhaps the person working on the PD MAC emulatoir would want to look into an interface for this if it is variable speed.

DISCLAIMER: I only live close to these people ( I have one on order though :-)

    adam hill ...