[comp.sys.amiga] donbles

wugcrc@wums.wustl.edu (04/26/90)

    What in the world is a DONGLE?  It sounds like a verb my friends and I
would have made up when we were 12.
                                            Dan Flasar

tomb@hplsla.HP.COM (Tom Bruhns) (05/03/90)

wugcrc@wums.wustl.edu writes:

>    What in the world is a DONGLE?  It sounds like a verb my friends and I
>would have made up when we were 12.

A security device you plug in to your computer.  Typically plugs into
mouse port #2 on Amy.  The program that uses it then looks for it before
it works (or at least before it works fully).  I find them not too bad if
you have only one and don't use the mouse port for much else; two is a
real hassle.  (Multitask??  You gotta be kidding...).  Also, the program
I had that simply quit after taking half a minute to load if it didn't
find the dongle was an unacceptable implementation; the program that looks
for it only on file (and printer) output, then politely asks for it if it
isn't there, is much better: even lets me make a "demo" copy easily.
The best protection in my book is not protection but trust and education...