[comp.sys.amiga] A3000 DMA chip

C506634@UMCVMB.BITNET ("Eric Edwards") (05/09/90)

I'm intrigued by the A3000's onboard DMA chip.  Is it restricted to being a
scsi controler of is it more flexible.   Seems like it would be awful nice if
it could do things like:
     1) move data between chip and fast ram
     2) provide DMA for other devices such as the serial port (faster than

If it CAN do things like this is it supported in WB 2.0?

   /*/Eric Edwards  c506634@umcvmb.missouri.edu or c506634@umcvmb.bitnet/*/
  /*/ "Sir, you are an excellent star ship captain /"We come in peace, /*/
 /*/  but as a taxi cab driver you leave much to  / shoot to kill"    /*/
/*/  be desired" - Spock, "A Piece of the Action"/  --"Star Trekkin'"/*/